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How To Surf The Waves Of Turbulence

By on February 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

How To Surf The Waves Of Turbulence

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by Amina Deb,
Guest writer,

There is no arguing the fact that pressures are mounting on multiple levels. We feel it personally in our bodies, we see it out pictured in our families and communities, we experience it in our business contacts and in every aspect of our daily lives. We most certainly see the pressures play out nationally as well as globally.


We even see it mirrored in the Earth’s crust as the internal pressures mount for Gaia resulting in earthquakes and increased volcanic rumblings. Here are pictures of the reported earthquake activity during the 7 days spanning 5am 1/28/17 – 5am 2/4/17. The app called Quakes show there have been 993 reported quakes during this timeframe. Green is minor, yellow and orange moderate, red severe.

All of this chaos we see can be used in a positive way to support healing ourselves, our families, our communities, our world and our planet.  Remember the teaching:  “As above, so below; as within, so without.”

Instead of focusing on the outer details currently playing out, USE the energy in a very conscious, supportive, present way. TURN OFF THE TV!  Choose to give your attention and your energy to that which promotes bringing people with a diversity of ideas, beliefs and opinions together instead of focusing on that which encourages and creates separation.

As you use this energy to locate those places within yourself held as separation, you bring healing to your being.  Any experience other than peace, trust, love and joy point to where you are still aligning and resonating with the old fear/control based paradigm.  As you bring healing to and into yourself personally, you actually heal Gaia and ALL of creation!

As the pressures continue to increase… and make no mistake about it, they will continue to increase, notice:

Where in your body are you feeling tense and tight?


Set your intention to bring love and healing to ALL creation through bringing love and healing to your body.  Some suggestions for doing this:

      • Get a massage
      • Reflexology on your feet and hands
      • Take a hot bath with Epsom salt and baking soda
      • Stretch
      • Do yoga
      • Exercise
      • Acupuncture or acupressure
      • Essential oilsir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1&camp=1789, flower essences or herbs
      • Chiropractic care
      • These are just a few suggestions but you get the idea


What are you feeling emotionally?

Be honest with yourself!  It’s ok to experience fear, frustration, anger and grief.  Just resist the temptation to insist on keeping them, continually cycling and recycling them through your mind.  Experience them as they arise, allow them to pass through your being, then LET THEM GO!!  Adding to the suggestions above, you can:

        • Call a friend
        • Snuggle with a loved one
        • Cuddle your furry, four legged buddy
        • Cry
        • Scream
        • Go outside and be in nature
        • Read something inspirational
        • Engage in ceremony
        • Attend a community gathering
        • Dance

What are you thinking?

Our thoughts trap us, imprison us within the matrix of control and fear based paradigms.   To return to what is loving and supportive, you can always:

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          • Meditate, pray, sit in silence and focus on your breath
          • Listen to music
          • Turn off the TV
          • Put down you cell phone, computer, tablet or iPad
          • Hum…. Yes, hum!  Humming quiets the monkey mind and stimulates your heart chakra
          • Picture the 8 corners of a room (4 corners of the ceiling and 4 corners of the floor). In order to have a thought, you’d have to drop one of the corners.  Just recognize when a thought has crept in and pick back up the corner you dropped.

We are birthing a new paradigm, a new Earth, a new way of living and interacting with each other that is based on LOVE.  This, just like bringing any new life into existence, will get messy.  Messy is OK.  There is always discomfort and pain with bringing in the new.  Pain and discomfort accompany the messiness.  Accept it all as part of the process because there is no escaping the painful, messy discomfort.

Open to the experience you are participating in.  You are participating whether you realize it or not so why not make it a conscious, positive, unifying, loving participation.

Breathe, relax into this process, and push…..  Love is crowning!

We are almost there.  The Age of Aquarius is here waiting for humanity to join hands in PEACE, LOVE and UNITY.  No need to wait any longer.  The time is now!!  Take my hand…… Together… TOGETHER we can find the place of peace, cooperation, love and understanding.

Wishing you each joyful and loving journeys,

Amina Deb

The Trap We All Fall Victim ToAbout the author: Amina Deb Lewis has been a seeker and student in esoteric, spiritual and scientific studies for over 40 years. As the proverbial square peg in a world of round holes, her greatest joy in is sharing various perspectives and tools on living your Individual Unique Truth to its fullest capacity possible. Contact info:

Image: Pixabay

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