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We Are Smack Dab In The Middle Of This HUGE TRANSFORMATION

By on July 27, 2018 in Astrology

by Kim Semetis,
Contributing Writer,

We are smack dab in the middle of this HUGE TRANSFORMATION during eclipse season. Can you FEEL this POWERFUL SHIFT?

It is both amazing/enlightening and scary all at the same time. We can experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, all in the same day. Moment to moment, each is different.


We are seeing magic and miracles as we release old programs/baggage at an exponential rate.

We are being given a gift of clearing old wounds and programs so quickly as we identify them, call them out for what they are and send them on their merry way.

We have noticed in the last few weeks that when we “give up”, “give in” and surrender there is an immediate shift in the energy.

When we are pushed to the brink and say out loud “I surrender universe” we can feel the shift. This immediately closes out the timeline of control and opens up an entirely new door. One of peace and surrender. A wave washes over us as never before of trust and faith in our universe that all will be taken care of and arranged for us, allowing us to float freely and fly into our all new timelines.

Humans want to control and push-push-push. This actually does the opposite of what we think it will and pushes things away… We actually make things harder when we do this. It doesn’t work anymore, this is the “old way” of doing things. The new energy no longer supports this.

We have to find a new way. We have found that when we surrender to our universe that we open up to new possibilities, new timelines that offers us more peace and serenity, and we get more done in less time, allowing us more FREEDOM to create, rest, sleep and perform our duties as gatekeepers/gridkeepers of the new earth. We are the wayshowers, we are the forerunners. We learned that the more we slow down the more productive we are. This is because we honor our bodies and rest when it tells us, we flow with the energy and when gamma hits and we go quantum then it is “get ‘er done” mode and we can accomplish so much in a short amount of time.


I personally have been closing out huge timelines of codependency within my family. Cords and attachments to my family and my “stuff” had to go. With each release of these cords and attachments I feel freer each time. I notice that with each sharing/giving away of physical items that I have held onto for years, I feel lighter and lighter.

The tighter we hold onto people or things the heavier the energy becomes, anchoring us to them, just like being in chains. It get uncomfortable, even unbearable, yet we don’t notice because it happens gradually over the years. We never knew that our physical “stuff” was weighing us down so heavily.

As we prepare to move, we are being very discerning about what comes with. It is all coming down to clothes and crystals! That is about all we need in the higher realms of existence.

All of the art we have created over the years will be replaced with all new creations. We are sculpting a whole new life/timeline, making it whatever we wish as we will soon, drive/fly off into the unknown to create an entirely new reality. More magical than we ever dreamed possible, filled with awe and wonder. A life in paradise.

What used to feel like shaky ground will now feel freeing as we know that we are soaring into uncharted territory in higher dimensions. There is nothing to fear here, as we know that lower density energy cannot reside there, and we have no more fear as we cut loose the ties that bind enabling us to FLYYYY!!!!!

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As always, I am right there with you as we navigate ascension to flying higher as a multidimensional being of the light.

Love, Kim

Kim Semetis ~ Divine Warrior Goddess
New Earth Emissary

About the author: Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper of the NEW EARTH. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. She offers private sessions by phone or in person. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also holds workshops to assist souls to move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here. If you would like to book a session or be notified of upcoming classes and or online courses please go to her website: Quantum Transformational Sessions. | Website home page | Watch our facebook page for discounted sessions to assist all on this journey | For latest videos and activations, go to my YouTube Channel: Divine Warrior Goddess

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