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Lion’s Gate Global Intentions

By on August 8, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Lion's Gate Global Intentions

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by Rosie Neal,
Contributing Writer,

Lion’s Gate Global Intentions

HAPPY LIONS GATE to all. Today, I and my dearest friend and associate Janet Sanders, will be doing sacred work of the heart on a global and universal level.


May each of you hold space in this re-balancing and recalibrating on all etheric levels and bringing the heart, mind, soul, spirit and body into full balance and alignment for all living beings, allowing for a raise of consciousness for those who are ready to receive it.

May we infiltrate all hospitals and government offices and agencies to release all the denser frequencies of density and polarization that interfere with allowing the greatest potential from coming in for all.

May it now become our greatest asset in assisting and allowing the highest and greatest good for all on a national and global level.

May we call forth to recalibrate all the waters below and above on a molecular, atomic and subatomic levels so all that drink or bath or come into contact on any level with the water be opened to be blessed with a raise of consciousness that will bring in a new and clear level of awareness to the level that each over soul matrix can integrate at this time.

May we call forth all soul chards and fractals that are now ready to be fully re-integrated. May we cleanse them and filter them through the sacred 12 ray’s before re-integration.

May we each be open to receiving all the photonic plasma waves and upgraded light codes that are coming in through our cosmic sun.



May we each be able to be the receiver of all our birth rights that have been lost somewhere in time and allow for full restoration of all that is due to humanity and all living beings.

May we dissolve all levels of polarities that now exist that allowed us to grow through the experience of duality.

May we now call for a releasing of all that no longer serves us in this time and space to make space to integrate all that we need in a form of potentials from the stream of possibilities.

Also see: 15 Energetic Things You May Experience As Your Body Is Being Upgraded

May we each be return to our original state of Christ Consciousness and have access to full knowledge of all knowingness for all that are ready and to experience all that which is love on every level of their being.

May every atom on a atomic level become transformed to the core electron, neutron and proton and all space in between which will allow for complete transformation on all molecular, cellular levels and may this frequency continue until every living being in all atomic structure is completely aligned and rebalanced, recalibrated, re-energized and rejuvenated to that of the highest frequency and structure that has ever existed in this planetary system, solar system, galaxy and universe.

May all levels of health be restored to the highest degree that each soul can integrate without interference with the original soul contracts that were agreed to before incarnation.

I now call for all this to begin in this ever present moment of now in no time and as we connect to every fractal that has ever existed since the beginning of all time. Since God’s first breath forth, all that is and will carry through to all that has ever been and to all that will ever be. May all be restructured from the micro to the macro and be carried to all levels and planes, throughout all time and space and all timelines that has ever existed or been known or even that of the unknown or spoken or unspoken on any level or degree of consciousness throughout all dimensions to all universes and all that ever is and ever will be. For all said eternities.

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May we each be opened to receiving peace as we release all judgments and make space to allow for total transparency and harmony and grace on every level throughout all time and space. Both known and that unknown for all living beings.

With that of the highest of dignity, humility and grace may the light of god and Christ Consciousness be opened to be received at the highest level all that is needed. May everything that one does not even know to ask for be received to that of the grandest levels. May it all be recorded in the Akashic records and let it be witnessed by all that is and all that has ever existed in all of eternity from this breath forth. As it is spoken, it is being created and it is done. From this now moment to eternity. May all be returned full memory and knowingness and knowledge of all of all that has ever existed before, during and after this major transformation of all that is. Giving the deepest of gratitude felt directly through the divine heart from original Prime Creator Mother/Father God. Creator of all that is.

With the deepest of infinite love and grace may each of you be blessed on levels you have never received before to the core of your soul ??

Related articles: Quantum Jump Through The Lion’s Gate Portal

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~ Rosie Neal

Click here for more articles by Rosie Neal!

Image: Pixabay

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