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Massive Harmonization Of The Sacred Crystalline Waters

By on October 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Massive Harmonization Of The Sacred Crystalline Waters

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by Sanna,
Guest Writer,

Sweetest heart – family!!!


During this period of massive change our womb chakra water planet is being cleared, cleansed, purges and re-program on a planetary scale. This week the world cleaning and upgrading of all the water has started for real. Certain things was needed to be placed and activated for all the water to start to divinely harmonies and balance out.

This is something I’ve been working on all last week, on the northern part of the planet. I have finished off the last part, doing the last touch up and finalized the balance.

This goes way beyond our current reality and existence. It has a multi-dimensionally pattern to it. The balance between the old and the new, the moon, the sun, the rest of the solar-system, it’s planets and out to all the different star systems, galaxies and universes. It is an interconnected grid that existence beyond our universe.

All the elementals are working together very hard now to finalize all the levels. The storms, hurricanes, ocean waves, heavy rains is all part of the clean-up. The wind helps the water clear out and be re-programmed for harmonization.

We have a big organic clean-up crew that is working around the clock now. It is truly amazing and magical to see. Our water planet is getting cleaned up BIG-TIME!!!

The entire planetary body of all water is being balanced out. It takes some time. It is clearing, activating, purging and purifying…in a way… all planetary water carries all history, consciousness of all our time and space. This includes the water we hold inside, plants, animals etc. All water is connected and is now being balanced out.


That is why we have so much happening with our water right now. Tsunamis, ocean storms, water vanishes etc. It is part of this planetary harmonization.

As we are integrating, releasing and balancing out…the elemental parts of us is being healed and harmonized. We may have different physical symptoms as this occurs. I’ve been very swollen and had lots of water kept in my entire body.

We are all carrying different key-codes of light that is transmuting and engaging all the different elemental energies on our planet. As we clear for ourselves, we clear for the world. Emotional patterns are being released and cleansed with the water and within us.

All the elements work together. The moon has also been stabilized with our planet. The nodes with our poles. This is connected to the water. We’ve had some magnetic field changes these last 2 weeks, that many might have felt. It is part of the stabilization and nothing to worry about.

The water plays a grand part in our evolution and our future. The water is and will be the bridge to the New Earth. With this balance, the planet will raise it’s frequency and lighten up a lot of heaviness and lower densities. No sharp edges, just pure water consciousness.

Our connection to the sea life, the underwater life and roams/kingdoms will come closer and we will have a fresh awareness and stronger communion with the water worlds in a near future.

Our sacred real earthly story and history will unfold and open up and the water will play a great part of that truth and opening.

The water crystals is getting upgraded, balanced and activated and as our crystalline worlds is unfolding and completing it’s cycle, all the sacred crystalline water is doing so as well. The crystalline water grid is shifting and changing for balance.


I feel all water consciousness will calm down after a while. And so will the wind. Right now they are doing their dance, as the sacred act of love as the new divine feminine and masculine energies.

The elemental over-souls are also expanding, integrating and upgrading. We are part of it all. We ARE the elements of Earth as well. It is in our pure being.

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All my best. Take care. Stay in your heart and honor yourself and all the living. We can do this!

All my love & blessings


About the author: My name is Sanna and I am here to teach, guide, assist, sing my heart out and to be the way-shower in Grace Consciousness.​ With my personal connections to Mother & Father Earth, the Multidimensional roams and the Universal energies, I work on all levels of the spectrum. For divine distance healing, book a session:  For donation & support, please go to:  Subscribe to updates, news and my articles:  (scroll down to the end of the page).

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Blog: http://graceconsciousness/blog

Image: Pixabay

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