Multiple Dimensions With Crystalline Light Rays
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing Writer,
Light work volunteers from higher planes are under stress tests being aware of who they are. Stress test engulf my whole being since March 12, 2007 as the Consciousness of Christ penetrated my whole being with crystalline light. Constriction at my heart have been cleared at this moment of truth.
Light Bearers have deep seated fatigue even after night sleep, the effects of flowing crystalline light to life forms, part of the “light body processes”, a system of cleansing our carbon based bodies. This will prepare us for conversion to light bodies that make you feel nearing your death but if handled properly, a healing activity. Ascension teams and light workers perform heavy energy work as they participate in filling the vacuum of space within all things, our cells and that of the Earth with Crystalline Light that flows thru the planet and our bodies.
Awareness and awakening of millions of humanity take full-center stage as crystalline light beings assist us clear our dense bodies of dirt and mire. We join the collective consciousness to raise consciousness of Gaia to Original Earth. You must now be aware of the universal mind to fully understand your creationary abilities. Have you noticed that a year is short and is fast changing seasons. Nature, birds and animals seem to greet and talk to us. We ground ourselves to earth, bathe in the sun and are learning Oneness with everything. The universal mind is now a partner working with every human being, thinking of our environment, others, a phenomenon unknown decades ago. However, experience is always individual. Attain higher level of consciousness the way you desire and do it. What I discussed are my experience.
Spiritual leaders ahead in starseed work have been in deep spiritual work, accomplished their functions of creating portals on Earth in two continents, Europe and America and further ground light in Europe. Help us over light the Pacific at the Sierra Madre, Banahaw and Makiling mountains in Southern Tagalog, PH and let your deep light overflow with golden pillars of light this region and we create a portal in the Pacific. That is good for us.
Ascension, multidimensionality are ours the moment we bring and ground New Crystalline Rays to this world of form and sweep them over the third dimensional frequency in its entirety. Elohim’s/Stankov Universal Law, Feb. 22, 2018, Angel Jr, March 12, 2007.
We shared crystalline rays absorbed by our bodies overflowing humanity and for myself, the last 11 years. Christ Consciousness message is confirmed by the Elohim thru two channels, Dr. Georgi Stankov MD and Carla Thompson. Such is a beautiful expression, new way of life for sentient beings, the Creator Light, Crystalline Rays are grounded to third dimension. This is a process similar to over lighting with pillars of golden light –land and mountains to create earth portals for us to enter, three created by collectives.

For scientific minds, to further explain this phenomenon of crystalline rays, light would sweep over 3d frequency in its entirety much like synchronized channels and radio frequencies. Science confirm the thought that vacuum space is illusionary solid thing. C. Powell says, a human has consciousness. “Three decades ago, Penrose and German physicist Bernard Haisch, introduced a key element of panpsychism, a theory that all matter has some form of consciousness, . with their theory that consciousness is rooted in the statistical rules of quantum physics as they apply in the microscopic spaces between neurons in the brain. Quantum fields permeate all of empty space “quantum vacuum”.
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Christ Consciousness and Elohim’ messages’ are all vacuum space will be filled with crystalline light form thus the illusion of time-space is removed. This is the scientific version made spiritual. At your time, these rays immersion will convert everything to light form. At full immersion of the rays, earth and humanity, we will know what this means. This must be Original Earth. Together let us unite to Oneness and ground the crystalline rays to Earth and all of humanity. Truth is freedom.
Love and light,
About the author: ANGELCCJR., shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With capitalists, created livelihood in Estates in South East Asia-Middle East. Link with him at or connect at Barnes and Noble, Xlibris and ‘Knowing the Infinite Creator.’
Image: Pixabay
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