Search Results for 'ufo'

Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence of ET Life & UFOs
via TrueDisclosure, Wikileaks is a major attention grabber, so it’s a great way to bring more attention to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon that’s been gaining heavy interest over the last few years. As far as UFO documents go, the Wikileaks ones are not really significant compared to what’s already available in the public domain. They do […]

Here’s What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO’s
What evidence is available suggesting that the Rockefeller family had information regarding UFOs and possible extraterrestrials?

UFO Enters Warp Drive When Police Arrive
The story behind a well known Illinois UFO case from early January 2000 involving witnesses from multiple police departments may be rewritten as one new witness came forward July 16, 2012, to offer additional testimony from a vantage point in southern Missouri, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The […]

“I Dare the US Government to Charge Me” – Secret NORAD UFO Files Made Public By Disclosure Advocate
In a bold move of defiance to “dare the US government to charge me” Victor Viggiani, a leading Canadian advocate for Disclosure made public several secret files from the Runic Archive of NORAD proving that the phenomenon of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs have “been discussed, analyzed, assessed and sequestered at the highest levels of […]

Massive Amount Of UFOs In Formation Passes Satellite Camera
via UfoSightingsHotspot, On May 29, 2016 NASA’s satellite Stereo Ahead COR 2 captured one of the weirdest images so far with the sun focused images. The bizarre image proves that UFO’s flying in formations or the strange formations are the result of a camera malfunction? They are flying in small group formation which might suggest […]

UFO Escorted By Jet Fighters Over US Military Base In Turkey!
Leaked video showing formation of jet fighters escorting strange UFO / alien space craft.

Turn Your Computer Into A UFO Detector
by Alejandro Rojas, OpenMindsTV A new program uses your USB webcam to scan the skies for UFOs, and when it spots something that is not a bird, airplane, or other known object, it will record the UFO for you to review later. The program was created by ProjectCE: Connecting Evidence, and is simply called UFO […]

Donut UFOs Seen At Space Station And Over Thailand
A donut-shaped UFO was captured on video outside the International Space Station shortly before the video feed was mysteriously cut (again!). A few days later, two similar donut UFOs were captured on video over Thailand.

Secret Memo Shows JFK Demanded UFO Files 10 Days Before Assassination
An uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination. The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have […]

India Villagers See UFO Land and Aliens Approach Them
by Gabrielle Pickard, Top Secret Writers Villagers in India claim they have witnessed a UFO land in their village and a “humanoid figure” emerge from what they said was a red spacecraft. The incident took place in the village of Kanagal in Periyapatna in the district of Mysore in India. Agricultural workers working in […]

Flashing Orange UFO Filmed In Melbourne, Australia
A flashing orange UFO was filmed in Melbourne, Australia on Wednesday, October 28th, 2015. Video of this UFO shows it to be disc-shaped and large in magnitude with what appears to be a flashing light toward the top of the craft.

Translucent UFO Mothership Recorded Hovering In India
A huge see-through, cloud-like round object was spotted in Manipur, India. Some boys from a students’ hostel at Mantripukhri locality of Manipur’s capital city Imphal saw a strange transparent circular object hovering over the neighborhood at around 1:30 pm on Wednesday October 7, 2015 claimed Lincoln Liba. Interestingly, the round, see-through object is seen just […]

Tesla’s Amazing UFO That You Never Knew About
Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived. If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla? Did he in fact have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He is […]

Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary & Disney Agenda
The following documentary was only broadcast once in five American states in March of 1995. It was then shelved, never to broadcast again.

Several Fleets Of UFO’s Spotted In Sarasota, FL 09-12-15
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, Gregg Prescott and I witnessed several fleets of UFO’s at approximately 9:30 pm Eastern to 10:30 pm on September 12, 2015. We estimate at least thirty ships crossed over our house during that period of time. We saw most of them through our ATN Gen. 3 night vision goggles […]

Bizarre Sun UFO Anomaly!
A new video has arisen showing a fascinating UFO sun anomaly where it appears to have some sort of spherical object leaving the sun and creating a small crevice within the outer sun edge.

UFO At The Bottom Of The Baltic Sea Cuts Off Electrical Equipment When Divers Get Within 200m
by Eddie Wrenn, The divers exploring a ‘UFO-shaped’ object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea say their equipment stops working when they approach within 200m. Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the team’s cameras and the team’s satellite phone would refuse to […]

Stonehenge Attracts UFO And Crop Circle
by Paul Seaburn, MysteriousUniverse This year’s summer solstice appears to have stirred things up paranormally around everyone’s favorite Neolithic monument – Stonehenge. A black UFO was photographed over the monument and a new crop circle was spotted near it. Are they related? Details about the UFO photograph are sketchy. The photograph was submitted to a […]

Texas UFO “Cube” – Multiple View Witnesses And Photos
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, On June 29th, 2015, a UFO “cube” was seen emerging out of the clouds by multiple people in Texas. The video of the photo compilation was released by YouTube user secureteam10. Walter C. Lance of El Paso, Texas was the first person to submit the photographs […]

Highest Ranking NSA Whistle-Blower Addresses The UFO Question – This Is What He Had To Say
Just as Edward Snowden made huge headlines (and still is) all over the world, William Binney did the same in 2001 when he resigned from the National Security Agency (NSA) after 9/11 and blew the lid on an NSA mass surveillance program.

UFO ET Dulce Base Revealed From A Scientist Now In Hiding
Dulce, New Mexico is a quite little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. It is home to about 900 people with one major motel and a few stores. It’s not your typical resort town and it is not bustling with activity. However, this sleepy town harbors a deep, dark secret […]