Paving The Way For Ascension
by Michael H Hallett,
Ascension, in theory, is simple: release judgment until you waft into the Elysian fields of the fifth dimension. The reality is different. Ascension is a drawn-out rollercoaster ride whose only consistent attributes are change and confusion.
Fortunately—to use a soon-to-be obsolete 3D term—there are guides. Ascension happens in waves and sub-waves. Those in the first wave, known as way-showers, forerunners and similar terms, are paving the way with the mechanical precision of an army laying a pontoon bridge. Remember the old adage: you can’t cross a chasm in two small steps.
Those at the very front of the first wave have the task of guiding the rest of the first wave itself. Some first-wavers are tasked with grid work and other energy clearing tasks. Some support the following waves of awakening individuals—the lightworkers. For others, the task is to take 5D concepts and translate them into material accessible to the wider population.
Denise Le Fey, Sandra Walter, Lee Harris and Think With Your Heart’s Lauren Gorgo all have tribes who resonate with their individual journeys. Some write solely from their own perspective; others pepper their guidance with quotes from channeled entities—for example Lauren Gorgo with the Pleiadian High Council.
Channeling is one of those contentious points that can be off-putting to those who find metaphysics, spirituality and astrology too ‘woo-woo’. Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, encourages scepticism and then playfully challenges it. Lee Carroll has channeled Kryon at the United Nations’ Society for Enlightenment and Transformation in New York on multiple occasions.
Other channeled material—such as Geoffrey Hoppe’s channels of Saint Germain for the Crimson Circle—not only assume audience acceptance but may even challenge listeners to stop tuning in if they are not willing to step outside their comfort zone and act upon what they’ve heard. Discernment is key; choose only what resonates with you. Personally, I have a checklist that I use to vet channeled material:
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- Is it inclusive? If the channeled entity’s worldview excludes anyone, count me out
- Is it otherworldly? If the entity’s worldview is the same as that of someone on the planet, it probably came from someone on the planet
- Is it useful? If the entity’s worldview doesn’t provide information that I can usefully act upon, it’s pointless
- Is it humorous? If the channeled material isn’t humorous, it is at best dull and at worst has a self-serving agenda
Over at Golden Age of Gaia, in a courageous and time-consuming labor of love, Steve Beckow is minutely documenting his own Ascension journey. Gregg Prescott writes about Ascension while at the same time spreading guidance via the In5D website. Glenn Stewart Coles runs the © LIGHTWORKERS of THE WORLD © group on Facebook; everyone has their own specific role.
As you progress, your guides change. A blog that used to be a lifesaver no longer grabs you. That signals a jump from one pontoon to the next. Another signal is the appearance of a new guide: when the student is ready, the teacher appears. If you find a specific part of the Ascension spectrum that no one is paving the way and providing guidance for… that might just be your job.
About the author: Michael H Hallett writes on emotional education and the mechanics of Ascension.
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