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Quantum Frequency Signs

By on September 13, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kim Semetis ~ Divine Warrior Goddess,
Guest writer,

When we hit a certain level of frequency we go quantum, when this happens we will know it, IF we know the signs to look for. This can come on quite suddenly, as if someone has turned on a switch.

This may have happened throughout your life often, once in awhile or hit full on in an instant. Now that we know what it is, we can see how this has happened on occasion throughout our life when we are in a high creativity mode. This could be compared to the manic in manic depressive. Its is as if we can take on the world, we see the beauty in all it’s expressiveness. We have boundless energy and if we are not quite sure what it is, it may overwhelm us. Here are some signs that you have gone quantum.


Quantum Frequency Signs

Highly intelligent, therefore do not concern themselves with everyday tasks on a regular schedule that most others do, such as cooking, cleaning, dishes, making their bed. We also are not interested in small talk for very long and if you ramble on about what we may consider “nonsense”, you may lose our attention as our mind is in constant creative “deep thinking” mode, and we may wander off in our own thoughts if the discussion is not thought provoking to us. Of course, we do try to take a break once in awhile.

Get so consumed with our projects, creativity, writing, art etc., that we forget to eat. We write down notes and have our papers everywhere. We clean up once in awhile, but please don’t touch or move our stuff that appears in disarray because we know what is where, even if it looks as if a cyclone has hit.

When we are really quantum jumping we can easily work 16-20 hours a day with nary a break as we are constantly connected with the universe and source of all there is. We may not want to respond to you as it will interfere with the energy thoughts of pure consciousness as it flows through us. This is such a beautiful gift from the universe but is hard to comprehend unless we have experienced it. We may be misunderstood as rude or weird, but we don’t care because we are so driven to create from this pure consciousness flowing through our field. When we are this connected, we KNOW it and there is NO DOUBT.

We no longer (if we ever did) conform to regular sleep habits. We may tend to stay up late into the night, get up early, take a nap when we need to. This is nonlinear, and the more you flow, instead of living by a clock the more you live multidimensionally. This is one of the most important things that you can do to free your soul from the 3D matrix.

We take time to recharge by spending time in nature, connecting with all that is. Talking to plants, trees and animals. Laughing, singing, letting our inner child come out to play is very important to us as well. We may love playing with our crystals and andaras and also spending time in the sun to further activate the crystals held inside our physical body. All of this is imperative to us and we KNOW it. This is also part of our work.

We allow our body to dictate and tell us what it needs in all ways. Some days we may not eat anything, other days we are famished. Some days we may sleep fifteen hours, other days it may be only a few. We listen when our bodies tell us we can no longer eat meat or anything else that it no longer wishes to have.


We see the human race as a little ridiculous (no judgement here) and we are happy to not be in that “race”, with no competition, always wishing the best for everyone. We like living in our own, ever expansive universe, with no comparing with another, for we know that we create our reality and that the universal consciousness is flowing through us.

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It is wonderful. It is magical. It is pure bliss. We love it, ourselves and all, for we know that we are all of the one universal consciousness and all have access to this, if they so desire.

Come join us as we jump quantum style!

We love you!!  


Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper of the NEW EARTH. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity.  She offers private sessions by phone or in person. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also holds workshops to assist souls to move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here.

If you would like to book a session or be notified of upcoming classes and or online courses please go to her website:

Quantum Transformational Sessions:

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