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Quantum Service – The All In One

By on April 16, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Quantum Service - The All In One

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by Raphael Awen,
Contributing Writer,

It’s not what you do or don’t do that makes all the difference, but rather how and why you do what you do, or don’t do, that changes the entire world…quite literally…I might add.


New science is verifying this to be fact.

One might ‘do their part’ by volunteering at a soup kitchen, making a contribution to alleviate a shortage of volunteers. That by itself could be seen as a linear kind of service. The kitchen needed 5 volunteers, and you reduced that need by one. All good. BUT, there’s something way more profound going on here while you were making soup, or thinking about making soup. What energy moved you to volunteer? What energy moved through you as you performed the act? What internal obstacles did you face as you chose the action?

What you did on an internal level is where the quantum level of service comes in.

New science is proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are all connected in ways more profound than we imagined. We are living in the days of what was hidden and concealed, is now being revealed. One of the aspects of new science has to do with the entire universe, (or multiverse for that matter) being a holographic projection. An aspect of this reality is the reality of ‘fractals’, that ‘any part contains the entire whole’, where the molecular structure for instance of a grain of sand is identical to the structure of a galaxy or a black hole. Both carry, or rather ARE deep intelligence, quite beyond our limited minds to comprehend. The new science confirms what so many of our personal intuitions have long been aware of. Whether it’s through intuition, or new emerging science, or a combination of both, we are left in a state of reverence and awe. The more we look, the more we see what we never saw, that we weren’t ready to see, but are now being invited into.

What the intuitions and new science are revealing to us is the profound interconnection of all things. From this it is quite clear, that what is done by one, and for one, is actually done to and for The All. This tells us that the motive ground is the quantum ground because of this interconnection.

What this means is that none of us are any less ‘consciousness evolving and learning its way to love’ than anyone else. We may esteem an ascended teacher or guide for their example and contribution, but, in truth, that esteem resonates to us that we ARE that teacher or guide on a quantum level. If an act of love was ever imprinted on consciousness by anyone, you can find that imprint inside of THE ALL of your own personal consciousness. There is only one consciousness, and you have a lease on it, as an individuated part of it.


This is such crazy cool stuff, I find it hard to write! Being logical and present to the mind keeps collapsing into awe and reverence. And maybe, that’s the greatest contribution right there…moments spent in awe in reverence, by consciousness (you) looking at consciousness (the essence of all things) and consciousness looking back at you.

So let’s say that in order to pitch in at the soup kitchen, you had a deep personal process of feeling the part of you that holds judgment about people who ‘let themselves go down hill’ and through it all, you came to find that you had your own ‘inner derelict’ and downtrodden part of yourself buried by a more functional part of you. And in this process, you had great tears of homecoming to yourself to finally to find and feel this fear ground inside yourself, as well as this part of you working so hard in fear to avoid becoming ‘like them’ and all of this was, in large part, your real motive ground for being the hardworking and focused person you are.

Wow, now, you’ve just moved consciousness itself very much inside of yourself and made that movement available and uploaded it to the entire interconnected multiverse-wide-web of the love that we are and made it available for free download to any who are ready and willing to inhabit similar growth steps.

Now, you did something so much more than fill an empty volunteer space. You transformed consciousness.

And even cooler still, you did it before you focused outward. Your deepest and truest service to self was the quantum service to the all.

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Everything you felt, that was difficult to feel moved the universe inside of you and also moved the entire universe in the process. In a fractal reality, one cannot be moved without the other, for there actually is only one ‘uni’-verse.

Then, another step is feeling the deeper reality that out beyond the projected reality of time and space, in ‘no-time’ and ‘no-space’, is where you can feel and download these movements that technically haven’t happened ‘anywhere’ ‘yet’. All the courage you need for any step that you need to take already exists on a quantum level. So, if that’s true, then any movement we make internally draws upon and replenishes this interconnected web of quantum energy in an infinite multiplication kind of way energizing it for others.

Now this feels true for those working in and on negative timelines also. They download and make negative contributions that then get energized out to others. However, because there is ONLY love, even those energizing evil are actually, and can actually, ONLY be in service of love…ultimately speaking. Only love is real, all else is love’s projected illusion or theatre to tell it’s story.

So what all of this means again, in part at least, is that everything you feel, and desire, and courageously choose in your deepest dark night of the soul kind of experience that no one sees IS the quantum service contribution to The All. What feels so private in personal healing process couldn’t actually be more public. We are fast entering the age of transparency and the end of secrecy; the age of abundance and the end of scarcity. We retain personal space and boundaries, but our ‘walls’ are turning to glass…or crystal actually, as we inhabit our own personal Ascension and light body.

All that is not love falls away to reveal the love that we are.

Here and now we don’t simply give to others through linear acts of kindness, but instead are a literal machine that multiplies and manufactures love into the infinite and abundant multiverse of love that we all are

Raphael AwenAbout the author: Raphael Awen is a heart and soul guide, spaceholder, group facilitator, and co-creator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.

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