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Quartz Crystal Sand Beach Meditation

By on May 21, 2018 in Meditation

by Andriana Eloha,
Contributing Writer,

Close your eyes and breath in through you nose and out through your mouth three times. Imagine lying or standing on the white quartz sand at the seashore. Sense, see or feel that each grain of sand has a crystalline consciousness within itself. Notice what you know. Notice what you are becoming aware of with your whole being and all its aspects both physical and non-physical. Breath out through your mouth one time. Keep your eyes closed.

Now see, sense or feel that you too are a grain of sand that has its own consciousness just like all other grains of sand scattered across this entire Creation. Notice what you know, sense, see or feel. Breath out through your mouth one time. Keep your eyes closed.


Now imagine that all grains of sand on the beach where you are standing or lying and across the entire Creation turned into a receiver, transmitter and an amplifier of appreciation, gratitude and love for themselves. Breath out one time. When you feel, sense, experience and vibrate this appreciation, gratitude and love for yourself, send it to the entire life and all its balancing and harmonizing movements on this planet and beyond. Feel and sense the life responding back to you. Notice what is happening within you. Now, see, sense or feel how all crystalline consciousness of all other grains of sand on this planet and beyond is connecting to one another and exchanging the information that brings peace, awareness and harmonizes consciousness everywhere. Notice what is happening with you. Breath out one time, keep your eyes closed.

Notice the smallness and insignificance of each grain of sand when it perceives itself separated. Notice what you feel. Now notice that each grain of sand carries its own aspect of the infinite awareness of one consciousness that is unified with and within itself. Notice what you feel. Notice how the awareness of unity brings peace, balance and harmony to the individual consciousness of each grain of sand, including your own. Allow this harmonizing power to balance and harmonize what is seeking balance and harmony within you. Notice what is happening, let it complete itself. Breath out one time and open your eyes.

In the turbulent moments
Simply close your eyes,
Then go within into silence-
To the aware One.

It will shatter the limits of the confusing mind
And open the gates to the love, peace and light,-
The natural residence of the awakened Heart.

Enjoy the meditation, it will cause a transformation,-
The one you have been asking for.


You are a creator who confused itself with the created,
This movement of consciousness is now outdated,
And sure enough it has to be corrected.


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About the author: Andriana’s main life and professional activity has always been focused on Consciousness, Human Potential, Personal Development, Evolution, and how one’s mind, and different levels of Consciousness manifest corresponding nature of reality. She is also gifted in the area of Arts and has a talent for uniting concrete, linear, fragmented, and logical with expanded, creative, and seemingly illogical, a big picture where all connections exist and function at the same time. She has integrated the results of her extensive studies into her current practice, which together with her Personal and Spiritual awareness evolves and expands on a continuous basis. It is her natural choice and a blessing to all her clients.

Andriana works with various modalities (among which are Transformational Imagery, EFT, Energetic NLP, Past life regression and regression to one’s Source Origin (many people don’t have past lives), Sedona Method, and for the most part – her own Higher Consciousness Toolkit). She also utilizes practical knowledge of the latest research and discoveries made in the fields of Psychology, Quantum Physics, Energy Psychology, Brain Science, Physiology, Microbiology, and Neuroscience.

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