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Soul Evolution

By on December 6, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Soul Evolution

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

We have so many blocks placed in front of us that we need to recognize and become aware of in order to heal and transform as a soul. Since we are here now on Earth at this time, we are meant to be here. This means that it was planned and predetermined for you to be on Gaia during this magnificent time in all of the history of the universe to participate in and be a part of this Ascension process. Indeed you are a strong soul and have been selected to be here not only for the experience but to assist in this period of evolution for yourself and all of humanity.


Since we are everlasting souls who have been privileged to experience multiple incarnations, not only on Earth but other star systems, we carry with us a soul memory of each life we have lived. However, during incarnation we experience amnesia on purpose. We are not intended to come “in” knowing our soul origin and awareness. The growth of our soul comes in reaching this truth within our heart during incarnation. As we awaken and become aware of our soul truth, origin, and purpose, we begin to accelerate in consciousness. This is personal soul Ascension.

Now we are not only ascending individually in this way, but collectively as well. Earth and humanity are encouraged to elevate in frequency and vibration. Those who personally resonated with you beforehand may not do so if they don’t evolve at the same rate or time frame that you do. This may be in the form of close friends, family, older children, or significant others. They will become energetically draining to you as their awareness may still operate in old patterns, whereas you are now in a higher place and there is no longer a feeling of “being on the same page.” You may have to choose to release these connections as you move forward on your own path, as they will only serve to hold you back from reaching your desired soul growth and potential. If others naturally “fall away” from you, know that it was meant to be.

Each individual soul is given the chance to evolve in their own way and in their own time-frame. As a result, we will all be in different stages of growth and expansion. As we do, some spiritual articles, videos, and advice may not resonate with you specifically. This does not mean that you are either ahead or behind in this Ascension process. It simply encourages you as a soul, to take the material that speaks to your heart at the time, and discard the rest.

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Throughout your journey to self-love and discovery, you will periodically resonate with some and not others. Just as well that when you increase in consciousness, someone you followed closely with in the past, may naturally fall away from you. This does not mean that that particular spiritual “teacher” is now wrong, it is that you simply outgrew their guidance. As such, we always bow in acknowledgement to each other out of deep respect and gratitude for whatever way they did positively influence our soul progression.

~Adeana M. Slater

About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath and Lightworker who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time. She is a single mother of four children and full time Registered Nurse.


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