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Spiritual Psychology – Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith

By on September 17, 2017 in Astrology, Health, Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Psychology - Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith

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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

Despite the “Divide and Conquer” premise of any given sport, I’m still a fan of the National Football League and more concisely, the Kansas City Chiefs. You can read more about this in my articles, “Extraterrestrials, Sports and Divide and Conquer” and “7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed“.


My educational background is in psychology as I graduated with honors for both my B.S. and Masters degrees. I chose psychology because I enjoying figuring out why people do what they do. I find people very intriguing!

I was watching a video about how former 2005 #1 overall NFL draft pick (by the San Francisco 49ers) and current Kansas City Chief’s quarterback, Alex Smith, learned how to eventually say, “F*CK IT!” in regard to his fear of making mistakes and his perceived pressure for perfection.

Here’s the video:

As a Child & Family Therapist, I can tell you that by Alex’s lack of eye contact and the way he subconsciously shakes his head “NO” when he’s talking about the positive things he’s done recently shows that these issues still weigh on him subconsciously despite the “F*ck it” attitude. Spiritually, he’s an emapth, which means he absorbs and feels the emotions of people around him, including the fans. This is partly the reason why he spreads the ball around to his receivers because he doesn’t want any of his teammates to feel left out of the game.

Related articles: Are You Feeling Empathic Stress?, All About Empathy and Empaths, and Coping Tips For Empaths


As a huge, life-long Chiefs fan, I’d love to see Alex shake his head “YES” when he’s talking positive about himself. He needs to thoroughly BELIEVE what he’s saying, but subconsciously, he’s saying the opposite.

Spiritual Psychology - Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith

Alex was born on May 7, 1984. He’s a Taurus and most likely has his Moon in Leo and his Ascendant in Gemini. Fellow Taurus QB’s include Cam Newton and Jay Cutler. As a Taurus, he’ll diligently work as hard as ever to achieve his goals. He’s very practical which may have given him the unfortunate label of being a “game manager”, He’s also very reliable and can be counted on by his closest friends and family. Taurus is ruled by Venus which means Alex enjoys many of the finer things in life but not necessarily in a materialistic kind of way. He works hard at keeping a great relationship with his wife and children as these are as equally important to him as his NFL career. Being a Taurus with a Moon in Leo suggests there is stubbornness while his Ascendant in Gemini allows him to at least openly see both sides of the coin in regard to being stubborn.

He has an unusually high 6 planets in retrograde (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). Each one of these planets represent different challenges… too many to fully write about here. In short, Mars brings repressed feelings. Jupiter brings pessimism. Saturn brings insecurity. Uranus brings big shifts in life. Neptune makes Alex take on a lot of unnecessary blame for other people’s decisions. Pluto tell us that Alex is basically open about everything to only his closest of friends and family. He hides his feelings to protect himself and others.

At least he doesn’t have a perpetual Mercury in retrograde…lol

Related article: Retrograde Planets On Your Birth Chart

His Life Path number is a 7, which is ideal for being a QB because he’s able to analyze situations quickly and accurately, but it also means he puts a lot of pressure on himself. He doesn’t have a lot of close friends but the ones he has are genuine and have earned his respect. In his personal time, he prefers to be with family and sometimes alone. In an honest Typology Personality Test evaluation, he’s most likely and INFP or an INFJ (more introverted than extroverted). He tends to question things but is more likely to stand behind his own truth than to follow the flock.

Related articles: Take the Introvert/Extrovert Test! What Are YOUR Personality Test Letters?, Why Are Spiritual People Generally Introverts?, and Introverts And Spirituality

A Life Path 7 is also pessimistic and secretive, which means it might seem like Alex is telling you the whole story, but many times, he’s telling you MOST of it but is protecting himself by not telling you everything until he’s developed trust in you.

Related article: What is Your Life Path Number?

He’s easy going and has a great sense of intuition, which was part of his problem with the San Francisco 49ers. He was spot on in saying the organization was dysfunctional while he was there as there are no NFL teams that I’m aware of that use Spiritual Psychology to look at each person from a psychological and spiritual connection to help analyze their strengths and weaknesses that will not show up in a stat line.

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In numerology, Alex is 33 years old. 33 is a master number, so I expect he’ll have a huge year this year. On a side note, my daughter was conceived on my 33rd birthday! It’s also interesting to note that Alex’s uniform number is a master number, 11.

Spiritual Psychology - Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith

My recommendations: Alex is at the point in his career where he doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone. Professionally, he simply needs to stay within his own game no matter what anyone else thinks. While his own critique helps to fire him up, it can also be his worst enemy.

Alex needs to shake his head “YES” when he talks positively about himself and his team.

I’d recommend that Alex finds time to GROUND, thus clearing himself from absorbing so much of EVERYTHING around him.

Related article: This Is What Happens When You Ground Yourself To The Earth

Good luck, Alex, and GO CHIEFS!!!

P.S.: Much gratitude to Akmal for his YouTube comment:

Spiritual Psychology - Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith

Sending you all infinite Love & Light,


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About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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