Stanley Kubrick and Filmmaker’s Son’s Deathbed Confessions Expose Moon Landing Hoax!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Stanley Kubrick and Filmmaker’s Son’s Deathbed Confessions Expose Moon Landing Hoax!
Two deathbed confessions have emerged, proving that the U.S. moon landing was a hoax! The stunning video shows Stanley Kubrick admitting in an interview that he helped NASA fake the landings. In the interview, Kubrick confesses that he filmed the fake moon landing and that the U.S. government and NASA perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public. Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray conducted the interview three days before Kubrick’s death in March 1999, and he was forced to sign an NDA to keep the interview’s contents secret for 15 years.
In the video, the Stanley Kubrick confesses the following:
Kubrick: I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.
Murray: Ok. (laughs) What are you talking … You’re serious. Ok.
Kubrick: I’m serious. Dead serious. Yes, it was fake.
Murray: Why are you telling the world? Why does the world need to know that the moon landings aren’t real and you faked them?
Kubrick: I consider them to be my masterpiece.
Murray: And you can’ t take credit, or even talk about …
Kubrick: Well, I am now …
Murray: So, you can’t talk to Roger Ebert about it. Does that frustrate you? Why did they have to fake it? Why would they have to do that?
Kubrick: Because it is impossible to get there … 2001 was very ambitious, but that’s not to say that faking the moon landing was not ambitious. But I learned things from making 2001, and that’s why I got this gig in the first place.
Murray: That makes sense
Kubrick: Well, it was easy for me, because I didn’t think a whole lot about the morality of it. But I didn’t. And I could see that Neil [Armstrong] was, he was bothered by it.
The conspiracy doesn’t end there. A New Mexico man, Gene Gomar, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and had only months to live, claimed that the moon landing was faked by the US government with the footage shot at a military base, and the surface of the moon was recreated with sand and cement powder. His father, a military policeman who was stationed at Cannon Air Force base, was involved in the deception that fooled the world.
In Gomar’s confession, he claimed that the government-sponsored a mass formation psychosis that continued throughout the decades and into the current era. Sadly, the deathbed confession filmed by his father in 2002 was destroyed in a fire of “unknown origin”. However, Gomar decided to recreate it and share his father’s story with the world before his own death. He passed away on February 13, earlier this year, making it possible for us to view and share the extraordinary confession.
NASA has made a series of revelations in the past 12 months that have left the official narrative in shreds, but mainstream media barely reported on them. NASA has all but confirmed that the landings were fake, and anyone who works in the space industry or has any knowledge about rocket science has quietly accepted that the whole thing was a charade. NASA keeps pushing back and delaying the Artemis program, further casting doubt on their claims.
The truth is, we literally didn’t go to the moon in 1969, and to this day, no human being, American, Russian, Chinese, or ancient Egyptian has been past lower earth orbit, which is about 1000 miles above sea level. When more people become aware that we simply don’t know how to get to the moon, an astronomical renaissance will ensue based on empirical evidence rather than NASA lies.
Naturally, shilling “fact checking” websites that get paid to support the NASA narrative will disagree with these videos, but how much more proof does one need?
We are part of something huge right now, and we have the potential to break the chains of the past, the control, division, hatred, and separation. We are literally birthing a new world. That’s why the Deep State is so afraid. They know that they can’t stop this. The more they lie, the more they deceive, the more they expose themselves, which leads to more people waking up from the illusion. The truth is out there; it’s up to us to seek it out.
In5D Adedendum
2:26PM May 7, 2023
I didn’t learn until after posting this article that the Stanley Kubrick video was a hoax. There is a outtake video of the original in which the actor portraying Kubrick is called, “Tommy”.
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Apparently, “Tommy” is Tom Mayk. On Mayk’s IMDB page, he’s credited with “Shooting Stanley Kubrick“.
Does this change my opinion on the moon landing? Absolutely not! None of the following questions have been answered sufficiently:
Why was there no visible blast crater under the Lunar Module? If it really landed on the moon, it should have created a blast crater.
Why are there no stars visible in the pictures of the moon landing? If they were really on the moon, shouldn’t there have been stars in the sky?
How were the American flags able to wave in the wind if there’s no atmosphere on the moon?
Why haven’t we been back to the moon in over 50 years, if we were able to go there in 1969 with the limited technology available at the time?
Why do the shadows in the photographs of the moon landing appear to be inconsistent and suggest multiple light sources, rather than just one from the sun?
Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!
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Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, Telegram, In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events.
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