Tag: 2018

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast – October 23-30, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Guest writer, In5D.com The Full moon in Taurus asks: What are your intentions? Earthy Taurus helps us make it real. Like really real. Get specific. Snap out of it. It’s time to realign with a new design! This is a potent moon for making it happen, bringing your ideas down into the real world. […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast – October 15-22, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Guest writer, In5D.com What you seek is seeking you.” It’s time to connect. Venus ruled Libra is happiest in relationship. Most of us humans are. We thrive on Love. Get clear about what you have to offer and what you are looking for. Details darling. Think of everything. On Tuesday the 15th Venus and […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast October 2-7, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Guest writer, In5D.com Pluto goes direct and we are confronted with the truth. Venus starts a six week back track in Scorpio, more truth. Mars and Venus are in a square off too. It’s likely that you are gaining deep insight into your relationships. Do the work or the work will do you. Pluto […]

Kerri Ann Sanders – Global Plasma Event October 6-17, 2018
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Kerri Ann Sanders joined me for a beach update (you can see the full version HERE) and told me of some information she received about a global plasma event that will occur for 11 days, starting on October 6th through the 17th, 2018. We’ve all seen event […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast September 12-19, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Guest writer, In5D.com Things are changing fast now. Quick thinking Mercury moves to diligent Virgo. Venus moves from lets be fair Libra to passionate Scorpio. Mars moves into rebel changemaker Aquarius. The Moon is New in Virgo. New beginnings, new opportunities to clarify your direction and purify your purpose. Saturn goes direct too: This […]

Schumann Resonance Energy Update – Another Big Jolt August 27, 2018!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com We just experienced another big Schumann Resonance (SR) energy wave earlier today, August 27, 2018 around 9AM Eastern. I could feel this one coming on last night as I was up until at least 5am when I developed a headache. I remember seeing 4:44 on my cell […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast July 4-10, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are under the perfect blanket of a protective grand trine in Water. Lucky us. This will soothe our Soul while we try and decide which way to go. We are heading up to the Eclipse portal next week. Are you choosing the past or the future? Which choice brings […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast June 12-18, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The versatile Gemini New Moon is opening opportunities for important communications. If you need to hit the reset button now is the time. The energy of our thoughts is powerful. Our thoughts can be poison or medicine. How are you using your mental energy? Is it aligned with your heart? […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast June 5-11, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Clever Mercury and the busy Gemini Sun will square tuned in/out Neptune this week. Things that are unclear are that way for a reason. Though we may not see it now. Trust your confusion. Let it be busy bee. We are in the middle Gemini Season. Make the most of […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast May 22 -28, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Mystical Neptune lovingly trines high-minded Jupiter. Life is sprinkling us with magical luck and bountiful blessings- this is a rare alignment. Open your heart to receive. Mercury will sextile Neptune this week too. Opportunity will be there if you reach out for it. Now you can create new grooves in […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast May 8-14, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are feeling the crackle of Uranus at the last degree of Aries. Things are about to change in a most significant way. Clever Mercury Moves into stable Taurus, but first it conjoins Uranus- Lightning bolt flashes of new ways to go appear out of nowhere/now here. Tuesday there is […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2018 April 10-16, 2018 This weeks way shower Aries new moon is potent. Suddenly you are brave. Out of the blue you do know what you need to do. Harness this energy. You can glimpse the life you are meant to live.You may have […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast March 13-19, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are almost out of the fog.The Moon is new in Pisces this week and Mars moves into Capricorn. Fast moving focus is just around the corner. Take a deep breath, you may be swirling through some mighty depths- getting to the very bottom of things, to the very end […]

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast March 6-12, 2018
by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Communicator Mercury and lover of love Venus are moving into Aries. Unleash thyself- There is no holding back. A showdown between stability and self-expression is possible this week too. It may seem like a no win situation but it is in fact a dynamic opportunity for fabulous change and supportive […]

Cosmic Convergence Conference Sarasota March 2-3, 2018
Join host Michelle Walling at the Cosmic Convergence in Sarasota, FL on March 2-3! Have you been wanting to connect with like minded people and to raise your vibration? Do you want to learn the truth about the matrix and how we are going to transition to a New Earth? If so, then this conference was created for you!