Tag: Angel Message For The Week

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #60
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – We want you to know that you shine like the stars in the night sky! Just as the stars are deliberately placed to light up the cosmos, you too were deliberately placed right where you are to light up this world. You twinkle together. each in your unique place and each in your individual way.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #54
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – Dear ones, at this time it is very important to stop stuffing your head with information and let Divine knowledge come to you and through you.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #53
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – We wish to explain to you in terms that you can understand about the dimensions and how you can tell which dimension you are currently operating in.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #52
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – We wish to speak to you today about the concept of TRUST. Trust is more of a practice than you realize.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #50
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – You are vibrating to a new frequency, a new wave of light. It was always vibration which moved mountains and pillars of stone. It is your own new vibration that can move your own obstacles, barriers and yes even mountains, after all, it is you who created them. It is your vibration that will also assist in lifting the burdens of the collective.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #37
Transformative Angel Message For The Week I have been seeing the number 144 and 144,000 repeatedly over the last couple of years and even more so recently, so I asked the angels about this phenomenon. Here is what they have to say.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #36
Transformative Angel Message For The Week Who is a “lightworker?” First of all, everyone has the potential within them of a lightworker, because at your very essence, you all are made of light, but to activate fully, the light must be deliberately chosen.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #35
Transformative Angel Message For The Week We wish to talk to you about “miracles.” Miracles are really instances in which you activate and make a quantum leap to the most improbable timelines.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #34
Transformative Angel Message For The Week What you have been through was your initiation. What you are about to experience is your celebration. The turmoil is over and the TRIUMPH is here.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #33
Transformative Angel Message For The Week Let your soul lead you. You soul is not afraid. The ego fears. Your persona fears. Your soul is fearless, because it is infinite and immortal.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #32
Transformative Angel Message For The Week You cannot solve world problems or even personal problems through the mechanics of the physical realm. You can’t fix 3rd dimensional problems in the 3rd dimension

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #25
Transformative Angel Message For The Week Life is love. When you are living in love, in all areas, you are living the life the way it was designed to be experienced. There are many distractions, distortions, projections, and false expectations which pull you away from the underlying structure of love that is the framework for all of life.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #24
Transformative Angel Message For The Week Dear ones, your efforts here have been realized. The passage to peace is now opening. It is yours to enter. The time has arrived. You will feel the shift. You will sense the energy settle.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #23
Transformative Angel Message For The Week The portal to the 5th dimension is not somewhere out there. You ARE the portal. There is no need to search for a way there. You already know the way, because you are the way.

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #22
Transformative Angel Message For The Week – You have waited many, many lifetimes for this awakening. Do not go back to sleep dear one. Your life-force energy is low because you are getting “drowsy” and slipping back into your sleep.