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Tag: angels

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

By on February 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Universe is supporting and holding space for the ascension of Gaia as a planetary consciousness. The Universe is inviting humans to come along for the ride: for the upgrade in frequency, for the return to our sacred human consciousness of fully lit up DNA, for the merging of our light body with our physical 3D bodies, and for the embracement of our previously forgotten soul gift expression

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Incarnated Angels

Incarnated Angels

By on February 9, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening

Incarnated angels are spirits of the angelic realm who incarnate as humans to help people learn something very specific.

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It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

By on January 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

If you have had dreams, visions or meditative flashes of what looks like the Australian Borealis or Aurora Borealis, but these colors look pastel but bright, combined with what may look like a burst of fireworks, sometimes followed by an Armada of vastly different size Spaceships but cant recall the exact details of what those ships look like, you have been contacted!

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Recalibration & DNA Upgrade In Preparation Of The New Moon

Recalibration & DNA Upgrade In Preparation Of The New Moon

By on January 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Tiffany Stiles, Dear Beautiful Souls! Today appetites will be null as the body detoxes and continues to clear. All goes offline and back online as this recalibration occurs. The body physically will be achy today as further clearing occurs through the heart, throat and sacral chakras. The palpitations and flutters in these chakras makes […]

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Energy Update Real-Time – Frequency Shift

Energy Update Real-Time – Frequency Shift

By on January 26, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Spirit is lovingly calling to you, asking that you begin to let down your guard, if only just a little ~ Your time has come and it is now ~ You are about to experience a shift in your frequency – 26th January 2017 ‘You are a kind, nurturing and […]

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The Darkness On Earth Is Lifting

The Darkness On Earth Is Lifting

By on November 29, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Adeana M. Slater, Contributing Writer, Ever since the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed and consciousness fell, darkness has continued to take over this beautiful planet of Gaia and has kept humanity “asleep” and enslaved for eons of time. The Darkside has several names such as: Archons, Illuminati, Cabal, Draconians, Reptilians. They are […]

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Angels And Guides – Your Unseen Audience

Angels And Guides – Your Unseen Audience

By on November 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

To keep us on our chosen path, we do have angels and guides that communicate with us as our unseen audience. Most of us are unaware that they are even there or exist, because we don’t see or hear them. But they are the whisper in your ear, the song you hear, the phrase on TV, the number you see on a license plate, intuition, the tone in your ear, the goosebumps or chills when truth is spoken, the déjà vu feeling when you are meant to pay attention…
The ways are endless.

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Dimensional Overlays Of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

Dimensional Overlays Of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

By on November 17, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

When you see EARTH and all as a myriad of different dimensions and timelines, with multiple universes within it, you will start to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that Earth is not just one dimension, it’s a gazillion of them. Your OWN experience on this EARTH is your play that plays out for you. Your own dimension/timeline and you don’t get a higher vibrational one UNTIL YOU CHOOSE IT and EMBODY IT from within you.

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Who Are Your Guides And Angels?

Who Are Your Guides And Angels?

By on November 3, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, Many articles on and other alternative sites have mentioned guides and angels that are waiting to help you through this tumultuous time. Who are you calling on when you invoke your guides and angels for assistance, and how do you know you are calling on the highest powers? […]

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7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Contact You

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Contact You

By on September 10, 2016 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In life we seek comfort from our loved ones in moments of trouble. But where do you turn to if no one is there to help? But for luckily, spiritual gurus believe that guardian angels are at our sides at all times.

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Ascension In The Zero Zone (Last 3 Months Of 2016)

Ascension In The Zero Zone (Last 3 Months Of 2016)

By on August 28, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Denise Le Fay, Themed Dream-state Messages I’ve asked for more conscious understanding about where we’re at within these last three months of 2016, our time in what I call the Zero Zone, and all of it preparing us for entry into 2017 at an entirely NEW higher level. This one is a biggie within […]

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Are You Being Visited by a Ghost, a Loved One From the Other Side or an Angel?

Are You Being Visited by a Ghost, a Loved One From the Other Side or an Angel?

By on August 26, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Everyone receives visits from ghosts, loved ones from the Other Side and angels. Even though many of these visits are meant to be comforting, sometimes the presence of an otherworldly visitor can be unnerving and even frightening. Knowing who these guests are, however, and why they’re visiting you can make their visit easier and often, even comforting.

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Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School

By on July 28, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after […]

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17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

By on July 25, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum. Every day, we receive confirmation that we are on the right path.  Little synchrocities may pop up or perhaps a white feather will slowly fall from the sky and land at your feet.  These aren’t mere coincidences as EVERYTHING has a meaning and a purpose!

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The Transformation From Human To Spirit

The Transformation From Human To Spirit

By on June 17, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

What is the transition like when we cross over from human to spirit? What happens after our life reviews? Do we meet our spirit guides on the other side? via Afterlife101, • As soon as they leave their human life, all individuals are met by angels and spirit guides, pass through a tunnel, and they […]

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