The Transformation From Human To Spirit
What is the transition like when we cross over from human to spirit? What happens after our life reviews? Do we meet our spirit guides on the other side?
via Afterlife101,
• As soon as they leave their human life, all individuals are met by angels and spirit guides, pass through a tunnel, and they are greeted by loved ones on the other side with various degrees of love and warmth and light and welcomed back to their spirit self so that the death experience initially is never frightening to anybody.
• One making the transition is always greeted with love and a sense of safety and a sense of protection, a sense of freedom and always in a light so bright and so warm and so encompassing as they have never experienced before in human form. As a spirit soul progresses into its new life form, it will progress into various shades, tones, colors of this bright light.
• Once you have moved into your soul spirit you go through your most current life review. After one has had their greeting and their life review what then becomes heaven then becomes much of the spiritual consciousness that the individual brought with them from earth during this most recent past life on earth.
Also see: When You Do Your Life Review
• Once a new spirit moves through the different phases of releasing from its earthbound life it begins to gradually move into the spiritual consciousness that it has obtained and finds that it is losing earthbound forms and earthbound dimensions and begins to experience things telepathically and through various forms of energy rather than through three dimensions as it has experienced on earth.
• There are those spirit souls who are so evolved that they do not find it necessary to remain connected to those on earth for they know that there are other angels and spirit guides with those who have remained on earth and they are ready to move into their more highly evolved true selves.
• When you have finally made that crossing over from earth and are in heaven, you are allowed to experience heaven as you would like to think of heaven being and that has to do with many different conscious levels. Initially your heaven experience is still an experience of something that you connected with when you were on earth. You eventually move beyond that sense of earth pleasures and begin to move within your own spiritual consciousness and spiritual place.
• Your spirit guide is an overseer of bringing together all your loved ones upon your arrival in heaven because many of the people that you have been in contact with on earth are at various levels of spiritual consciousness. Spirit guide is there to continue their direction and guidance and helping you as you make this change from earth to the other side.
• When you cross over you do not take pain, anger and bitterness with you, but will oftentimes be quite confused as to your new experience. You take all of your knowledge with you–everything you have learned through books, everything you have learned through your experiences, everything you have learned through your emotions, for these are all things that help you evolve as a spirit.
• Initially, after an individual dies and makes its transition, its spirit can choose its appearance which will often be similar to that experienced during the prime of their life. Alternatively, those who have evolved so quickly in this lifetime spiritually will simply evolve into a form of light or angelic form and not find it necessary to go into any past physical form.
• The spirit is the true essence, the true energy of who you are. The soul is like the connection between your spirit and your humanness. And your soul is with you in your human body, together with your spirit, and when you depart from your human body your soul moves into your spirit and that soul remains with your spirit.
• The soul of each incarnation carries the energy of every incarnation but is not necessarily predominant in the soul as it attaches to a new incarnation. For each incarnation has its own energy, its own personality, its own ego and that’s what forms in the soul to help connect to the spirit of your humanness. Many times you have things that are happening to you in your current life which you have no understanding for why it is happening, and it can be a deep-seated carryover from a past life which could go back for many past lives.
• The higher self is your spirit that continues to live through all three-dimensional lifetimes and is always there.
• Every individual upon earth has a spirit guide to help them in their consciousness evolution at all times. You have many, many other spirits who are around, spirit guides who are teachers or who have become more highly evolved than you are, and they are there. They are your teachers. You can call upon any spirit guide of any level at any time.
• Many times when you think you are calling upon a spirit guide, when you are looking at earth situations, you are really calling upon the earth angels and they are there to help you for what you on earth consider mundane energy help, other-dimensional help. Oftentimes you call upon your angels for protection and many times the protection is needed–more than an angel, a spirit guide is needed.
• Initially after crossing over individuals still see themselves in the body that they had on earth and they see their individual loved ones as they remember them and see them in those bodies they had on earth.
• A life review is not done with pain or with emotion. It is done with fact to see what your life experiences did in either helping you to evolve more consciously or putting hindrances in that energy flow and thus not allowing you to move into a more spiritual concept while on earth. You will see how every thought, every action, every experience you had on earth affected you and affected those around you.
• A life review is often the way all spirits are able to be released from their actions and their emotions with their earth life. It is not always a negative experience, either. There are many things that all of you on earth do that are actions of love and compassion and support, that you never even always realized that you affected someone else and you are given the opportunity to experience those as well.
• During the life review, the individual is experiencing its most current past life and not other past lives.
• Once an individual loses its earthbound connections and begins its true spirit journey, it then becomes aware of all of its lives and all of its experiences.
• A Council of Elders, wise spirits of both male and female energies, is present the majority of the time during the life review there to help support the new spirit energy as it looks at all of the events that took place in its lifetime.
• The individual crossing over will soon see that the loved ones that have met them while crossing over will generally leave them and go to wherever their place in heaven is. Some will continue to be with them because they are at the same spiritual consciousness level. And yet their presence is more in the background for a considerable amount of time because the new spirit crossing over has many phases to move through until it reaches that vibrational level of its true spirit.
• Each spirit soul that crosses over and moves into its full spirit soul energy of all lifetimes does continue to remain in contact with the energy of all their loved ones from this most current lifetime. They are often there to help loved ones in difficult situations and in joyous times. Though they are not with those loved ones on a continuous basis they are able to at free will choose when to be with those loved ones.
• Once an individual has gone through their life review they are given the opportunity to experience things from earth that they either enjoyed very much or hoped to enjoy. Those experiences that they are having in heaven now do not affect anyone upon earth. Also, if there were individuals upon earth at any time during this incarnation that an individual would have really liked to have known, they are given an opportunity to ask permission to meet with that life force energy that they saw.
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• As a being leaves their body and their soul and spirit moves forward they are then greeted by their spirit guides along with their loved ones. The spirit guide will stay with the soul who has crossed over for a great deal of time. After it has made its crossing over and is becoming used to its life in heaven, once it leaves its soul and becomes then pure spirit, spirit will then no longer be as connected to it as it has through its journey.
• Angels are always in demand. In terms of your earth words they are never unemployed. They are there and will begin to help new arrivals on earth and are always kept busy helping you earthlings.
• Those spirits who do not cross over after they have had a physical death on earth are oftentimes spirits who have died from trauma and in anger. They are often within an environment trying to still find themselves and will make their presence known many times to the living, thinking that they are still a part of the living, and to continue on their path of fulfilling the needs the anger is driving them through. There are other occasions where spirits of like minds can be found in one earth location and can even have a sense of camaraderie.
• Oftentimes, the spirits that remain on earth can be assisted by individuals living on earth who have the ability to communicate with them and can help move them along and this is done quite often. Sometimes loved ones that have remained alive on earth will then cross over and then the connection that the spirit has been hanging around for will then be stronger and help to bring that spirit soul across then as well.
• Oftentimes the spirit souls that linger for such a long period of time with the earth connection are spirit souls who have been tormented souls and souls that have not had any type of spiritual consciousness and have lived the darker side of life.
• Oftentimes when earth beings think they are seeing a ghost or a spirit, that is not what they are seeing but will see the residual energy of the personality come forth. This residual energy will create the same kinds of experiences that people think they are having when seeing a spirit.
• Oftentimes, hauntings get confused by residual energies which are present at locations of tragic death but which do not cause the same sort of disturbance associated with a haunting.
• An individual who commits suicide will find after the initial greeting process has been completed that they are in a place darker than in the place of an individual crossing over for any other reason. These individual souls are initially met by angels and guides and they can see the brightness and the light and the love of these guides coming through to them so that they are not left into a complete hole of darkness though they are in a dim world compared to where they would have been under other circumstances.
• A majority of the time all spirits who have committed suicide eventually move into their rightful place in the spirit world for they are able to see how much love is sent to them from those on earth and from other spirits. Regardless of what they did, they are able then to move into their rightful journey of their spirit self.
• You on earth play a very big role in being able to help those on the other side no matter how they cross over, no matter what the circumstances are. But you on earth are able to help them move forward by the love and the forgiveness and releasing of them.
• An individual who has committed many evil deeds on earth, or who was negative and destructive and extremely manipulative to others, will feel after going through the life transformation, that their energy is being rapidly moved into a place that is a consciousness of where those who have committed evil are at. They often relive the events that they did in a much deeper, in a manner much more felt, than just in the life review. After this re-experiencing of its human life events, this spirit is given the opportunity to move into its home family in its spirit world.
• In both cases of individuals who have committed evil acts and those individuals who have committed suicide, they are not initially in a space where they have a spiritual experience with other spirits. Though they can feel the presence of others around them within the environment they are in, they have no actual contact with these spirits.
• There are those though who have been so evil, and so destructive, that it seems that their life back in the spirit world will be in this place of isolation for an infinite amount of time. There are also those who will never have remorse or ask to be forgiven, who cannot break the earthbound ties and emotions. This is not a punishment to them. This is their choice for not being able or willing to let go of those destructive energies that created all of their experiences on earth.
• Those who cross over with a lack of inner self love move into a place where they are tenderly helped to open up to seeing what lesson on earth this time that did not get completed. This is true even for an individual who was a very good, loving, giving, compassionate person on earth in actions and words in their contribution to human life. And they are gently taught to see that strong lesson of self love that they did not come to know and understand in this lifetime.
• Once a human crosses over they no longer carry that low energy level of mental or physical or emotional attachment with them, or human disforming attachment, with them into the spirit world.
• When you die, the consciousness that you have has been manifested in your own thoughts, whatever those thoughts of death are that you have come in connection with in your lifetime. That will be the type of crossing over experience you will have. Those individuals who have a concept of death as being nothing will experience their crossing over as being nothing. But this earth consciousness after one crosses over is gradually replaced by the reality of the spirit world and loved ones, angels, and spirit guides greet and welcome them to their spirit life.
• Those who had a vision that they were going to go “to hell” have many different versions of what hell could mean to them. There will be those who have a typical vision of what hell is, and that is what they will experience. There are those who will think hell was certain events or circumstances in their life and that is what they will experience for a period of time. This is not something that lasts for any great deal of time because spirit will come to those and those experiences and give them the choice to see that they can move out of those experiences and that is not what life after life is all about.
• A spirit cannot exist simultaneously in heaven and in a body on earth, or in two bodies on earth. However, when a spirit reincarnates, a residual energy is left in heaven that is able to communicate but this is not really the spirit itself that is there.
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