Tag: butterfly
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyways!
For those who are Christian, are you truly following the word of the Lord? The bible bans the following things many of us experience in every day life, but we do anyways!
The Beauty Of Our Messes – Living Life From The Heart
Gosh, claiming someone or something can feel like a big leap of faith. It is an agreement to fall in love. It can get to a point where even claiming the next step of the staircase can feel like a lot, like you and your parts know somehow that life as you’ve/they’ve known it is about to change.
50 Questions To Ask Yourself
These 50 questions to ask yourself have no right or wrong answers because sometimes, asking the right questions is the answer.
ENERGY UPDATE – We are In A ‘Great Shift’
“YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable person” by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com With so much going on right now as we are feeling the Full Moon energies which is leading up to the Equinox on March 27th, I was guided by Spirit to do a reading for humanity at this […]
What Is True Love?
by Neda The Mystic, Contributing Writer,In5D.com With the month of Valentine’s Day coming to a close, something inside many of us is still burning with fiery passion inside, longing to know if we are with “The One” or are we are on our way to “The One?” Guess what, Cupid Eyes? You’ll never find “The […]
7 Ascension Truths
There is an ancient Chinese curse that runs, “May you live in interesting times.” We are certainly living in interesting times—the time of Ascension—and it often feels like a curse. The physical, mental and emotional symptoms of Ascension can be debilitating for long periods. The anxiety, pressure and sense of always being on edge can feel overwhelming.
7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers
Do you sometimes feel like ET trying to call home? Not sure why you are here but know you have a mission? Feel different and confused? ‘Starseed, volunteer, lightworker’ describe people who do not resonate with this reality. Here are 7 signature signs of starseed and lightworker people, and how to manage being in this dimension.
How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear
Society nowadays is very much accustomed to the feeling of fear. We believe it to be a natural phenomena throughout the learning process. Almost all educational systems and most working environments are based on fear and the general motive and drive in the western as well as most of the eastern countries is one of fear. It is this artificial archontic force, which is determining the life of most people
What Do The Elders Say About The Shift?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Kiesha Crowther’s job at this time is to share the wisdom of the indigenous spiritual elders in order to reduce the fear of what is happening on the planet at this time. Kiesha shares extremely valuable information about how the magnetic pole shift will affect us and what we […]
The Esoteric Meaning Of The Butterfly
by Linda-Ann Stewart When we talk about transformation, the image that comes to mind for most of us is the butterfly. A beautiful, filmy creature that glides about the sky, bringing joy to our hearts. But we tend to forget what the butterfly has gone through, how it has struggled to reach its place on […]
Meet Prodigy Artist Akiane Kramarik – The Indigo Child of an Atheist
Akiane Kramarik is one of the most inspirational people you will ever meet. Upon receiving her inspiration from God “face-to-face” at the age of 4, she began drawing unbelievably amazing spirituality pictures. As she grew older, her artwork has become increasingly complex as He spoke to her through sounds, shapes and sometimes through animals, but mainly with paint “as if it was talking to me”.