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Tag: cern

Bizarre ‘Portal-Shaped Clouds’ Form Over CERN During The ‘Awake Experiment’

Bizarre ‘Portal-Shaped Clouds’ Form Over CERN During The ‘Awake Experiment’

By on July 9, 2016 in Awareness, Science with 0 Comments

There are some “major concerns” about what the scientists at CERN are doing these days. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, more commonly known by the acronym “CERN”, is purposely smashing particles into one another at astonishingly high speeds.

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Is The Latest “Floating City” Proof Of A Dimensional Shift?

Is The Latest “Floating City” Proof Of A Dimensional Shift?

By on March 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Numerous “floating cities” have been recorded throughout the world and this phenomenon has raised the eyebrows of many as to why this is occurring.

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Geoengineered Tornado In Florida Was An Attempt To Open A Major Closed Stargate

Geoengineered Tornado In Florida Was An Attempt To Open A Major Closed Stargate

By on January 22, 2016 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

Irrefutable proof that rare Siesta Key, Florida tornado was manmade

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Simon Parkes – Wave X, Reptilian Abandonment, Ascension, And MORE

Simon Parkes – Wave X, Reptilian Abandonment, Ascension, And MORE

By on October 26, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

*Video deleted Simon talks about: •Dimensions = planes of reality or frequency with own consciousness and reality. In 3D, we may see higher-D beings as etheric but in their own plane, they do have form and substance. Easier to come “down”, to go “up” would generally be because of Universal or Creator decree (like the […]

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High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos Observed At The Geographic South Pole

High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos Observed At The Geographic South Pole

By on September 27, 2015 in Science, Spiritual Awakening

A team of international experts has announced a new observation of high-energy neutrino particles using an instrument funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The particles from beyond our galaxy have been detected at the geographic South Pole, using a massive instrument buried deep in ice.

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Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience

By on August 29, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What would it be like to wake up in another dimension? This is the reality that many people have seen in their meditations, giving some credence to the idea that ascension could happen in an instant. One woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared her vision of what the ascension would be like along with a warning of a “fake ascension” that may be planned by the dark beings.

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What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?

What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?

By on August 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It is also possible that we can make a transition into a Golden Age for humanity through various programs such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance, health, and prosperity without the need for money or the Ubuntu program, where everyone would only work three hours per week and could use the rest of their free time to pursue whatever interests they desire.

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The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

By on August 8, 2015 in Awareness, Science

by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, I once had a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up […]

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Dr Simon Atkins – Frequency Shift Wave X Predictions: The Good, Bad & Ugly

Dr Simon Atkins – Frequency Shift Wave X Predictions: The Good, Bad & Ugly

By on July 15, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A massive wave of intergalactic energy called “Wave X” is heading our way, according to Climate Risk Economist Dr. Simon Atkins.  While Wave X could literally transform humanity with new metaphysical gifts in a very short period of time, it could also bring some negative aspects with it as well.

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The Pleiadians 2015! Economic Collapse, Revolution and More!

The Pleiadians 2015! Economic Collapse, Revolution and More!

By on July 9, 2015 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening

The Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak 03/21/15. Topics include 2015 predictions, extraterrestrials, Anunnaki, chakras, advanced technology, psychedelic drugs, demons, space wars, fracking, Malaysia plane, CERN, the 6th trumpet, revelations and more. In5D PATREON: Click here to help support our work thru Patreon. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!   Follow In5D on Patreon, Rumble, Telegram, Twitter, […]

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More Proof Of “WAVE X” And UPDATE From Dr. Simon Atkins

More Proof Of “WAVE X” And UPDATE From Dr. Simon Atkins

By on July 9, 2015 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening

The following information is a small portion of information that has flowed in since my interview with Dr. Simon Atkins on the Cosmic Awakening Show.

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Is This Nibiru, A Galactic Ring Of Fire,  An Ouroboros, A Portal, Or Something Else?

Is This Nibiru, A Galactic Ring Of Fire, An Ouroboros, A Portal, Or Something Else?

By on April 9, 2015 in Awareness

The Alma telescope in Chile captured a very odd anomaly recorded at their observatory that looks like a ring of fire. Officials are calling it an “illusion created by the chance alignment of two distant galaxies.”

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Inner Earth Dracos And The False Light Campaign

Inner Earth Dracos And The False Light Campaign

By on March 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, We know about the false light in the afterlife that has magnetically pulled our soul into the reincarnation trap. Now we are uncovering the campaign here on Earth that has kept us under a spell lifetime after lifetime so that we can finally break free of the false […]

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CERN And The War On Consciousness

CERN And The War On Consciousness

By on March 12, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

As usual, the majority of humanity has no idea of the true threat of CERN and how it is trying to be used in the Draco/Annunaki’s war on human consciousness. The mainstream media is diligently programming humanity to assure them that the investment of billions of dollars for a particle accelerator is necessary in order to advance scientific knowledge of our origins out of dark matter. What we are really facing is a final attempt by the madmen behind the curtain to reset the world in a hit and run scenario.

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