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Tag: duality

Ascension – Duality And The Importance Of Acceptance

Ascension – Duality And The Importance Of Acceptance

By on November 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is the double-triangle symbol that I saw and that I will use throughout the article. The red triangle is the movement from single to multi-dimensional PERCEPTION and the blue triangle is the movement from DUALITY to UNITY – both essential in the process of ascension.

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The True Meaning Of Duality

The True Meaning Of Duality

By on March 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer, Have you ever wondered why we’re all here? Or why ‘duality’ was so important for us to experience? Well, here’s the reason why we came here and what we’re ultimately trying to accomplish! Before we came on this long journey through duality we came from a state of oneness and […]

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Holographic Universe

Holographic Universe

By on March 17, 2017 in Science

A hologram according to Webster is “a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of radiation (laser)”. There are several components to the creation of a hologram. The first component is the object to be reproduced.

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Thoughts And Intentions For 2017

Thoughts And Intentions For 2017

By on January 7, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Doug Henderson, PhD, O.M., ICQBT, Contributing Writer, Some say 2017 will be a challenging year. I say, it will be whatever you choose to make it. The primary law of duality is summed up in the words, “I am only ever experiencing myself.” It’s a choice, a Free Will choice. DUALITY Duality means that […]

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Transcending Separation – Human’ness To Avatar Consciousness

Transcending Separation – Human’ness To Avatar Consciousness

By on November 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lisa Brown, Your mentality creates your reality. Your energy creates. You are the SOURCE of all realities, for they originate, emanate and radiate from deep inside of you. “That out there” is your own hologram that has become solid so that you have something tangible to show you what you hold inside of you. […]

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The 11:11 Stargate Portal is Open, Streaming Powerful Gamma Photonic Rays

The 11:11 Stargate Portal is Open, Streaming Powerful Gamma Photonic Rays

By on November 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Meg Benedicte, The energy is amping in intensity in the planetary collective, as polarized forces are battling for control. We see examples of this battle playing out in the US election and UK’s Brexit vote. The opposing parties and their followers are rigidly entrenched in righteous indignation. Neither side has humanity’s best interest in […]

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You Have Come to Planet Earth With A Very Specific Purpose

You Have Come to Planet Earth With A Very Specific Purpose

By on September 5, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

via NewsUnunity, Greetings Dear Ones, Spread your wings, even when you are tired. We are that wind beneath your wings. You know, each and every one of you have these beautiful opportunities to both be a support and to be supported. We see you as these beautiful birds with outstretched wings, flying and sharing the […]

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6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

By on October 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in our abilities will soon magnify to great levels in the coming years. There will be some obstacles and challenges ahead, but know that the following shifts in our being are happening right now as all humans are born into spiritual wealth without practice.

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Remind Me Again, Why Did I Incarnate Into This Sh*thole?

Remind Me Again, Why Did I Incarnate Into This Sh*thole?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate into these lower vibrations of the third density? When we were back on the other side with Source, life seemed so easy.  We had the answers to all universal questions and lived in the complete vibration of […]

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Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

By on June 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.

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Dolores Cannon – 5D Earth is Here!

Dolores Cannon – 5D Earth is Here!

By on May 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Among some of the ascension symptoms Dolores talked about include: high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, depression, joint aches and pains, ringing in the ears and headaches.  Cannon stated, “These don’t all happen at once. You might have one every few days,” adding that your physician will not understand that this is your body adjusting to the new frequencies.  “If you just wait a few days“ Cannon stated, “you’ll be just fine. It is just the body as it is adjusting (to the new frequencies).”

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How To Remove Past Life Karma Through The Universal Law Of Wisdom

How To Remove Past Life Karma Through The Universal Law Of Wisdom

By on March 14, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Do certain painful experiences, such as repetitive bad relationships, come into your life on a consistent basis? Is there anything that you have done in this lifetime that you have regretted because it may have hurt someone else?  If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then you will finally be able to cut off all ties to any past karmic relationships!

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Exploring The Universe Through The Chakras – Our Interdimensional Travel System To Self

Exploring The Universe Through The Chakras – Our Interdimensional Travel System To Self

By on October 30, 2014 in Meditation

The chakras are energy vortexes, in Sanskrit, Energy wheels or discs that preside over certain power fluctuations within our soul’s cellular imprints. Those who work with their energies and the energies of others, know that in order to heal the body, the mind and the very seed of our souls – the doorways to those trails of potential evolution are located within the chakras. 

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How to Transcend the Concept of Duality

How to Transcend the Concept of Duality

By on October 11, 2014 in Spiritual Awakening

When we buy into dualistic modes of thinking; negative/positive, good/bad, evil/loving – we pin ourselves to 3D consciousness which prevents us from seeing with our higher mind over a situation, person, or feeling. We cannot transcend the concept of duality while we are existing in a state of non-awareness. Lack of awareness exists only in those who fail to recognize inner shadows projected outward.

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