Tag: enlightened
New Moon In Pisces The Third Eye & The Dream World
New Moon In Pisces February 19/20, 2023: Creating Art; The Dream World; Honoring All Emotions; Stepping Into Nonduality
The Cycles Of Consciousness
by Ælee, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Now from what I’ve experienced myself so far and how our consciousness will expand. I’ll label the different levels of consciousnesses as such: First is simply unconsciousness. This stage stage where you decided to “restart” could’ve been at any time. In a linear time perspective. This stage can last for an […]
7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul
How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?
Cosmic Upgrades
When we awaken to quantum existence, when we first experience the weirdness and wonder of the universe, we can feel as though the rug has been pulled from under our feet. Everything we’ve been taught and told about the world is challenged. We are not alone in the universe. The universe is not governed by linear time. We are far more powerful than we could imagine.
Energy Update – Depression
by Nikki Colombo,Editor – Contact Online Magazine Contributing Writer,In5D.com Many of us have been feeling really depressed and down right crappy this week. Headaches, anxiety, back pain, clearing out our root chakra‘s painful memories, and vivid sometimes scary dreams. Many of us feel cut off and lonely and the only contact we have is online. […]
ENERGY UPDATE – A Mixture Of Energies
by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com Energy Update – Where are we at now? A MIXTURE of Energies/Information/Insights/Stepping up and into our MASTERSHIP; Pt 3 of Timeline jumping, doors opening and old closing This is a mixture of energies/information update. Due to so much going on with the ‘closing doors of the old’ – as this […]
The Most Banned Freedom Of Every Human Being On Earth
The most banned freedom of every human being on earth… and the most natural and supported one in the universe! by Andriana Eloha, Contributing Writer,In5d.com What is it? It’s a freedom to be yourself. Freedom to fully be who you are as the Universe and Creator see you. All bans, restrictions, and limitations of other […]
6 Things You Lose As A Result Of A Spiritual Awakening
Spirituality is the foundations for good health. When you spiritually connect to that which is important to you magical and amazing things start to happen.
Are You Ready For A Spiritual Revolution?
We should figure out what we can do right now to reflect the paradigm shift the world needs, and we should remember that if we continue to be angry, greedy or judgmental, a new world will be impossible because we’ll fail create it from within.
8 Limiting Beliefs That Plague the Spiritual Community
Below are 8 common limiting beliefs in the spiritual community that make life harder than it needs to be. With the Law of Attraction, we create more of whatever we focus on, so focusing on the limiting beliefs below actually causes an expansion of these problems and limitations.
Which Of The 7 Types Of Spirit Guides Do You Have?
by Aletheia Luna, Loner Wolf To many people, spirit guides are entities that we choose, or are helpers that are assigned to us before birth. To others, spirit guides represent parts of our unconscious minds that symbolically help us to find wholeness. And still, to other people, spirit guides are parts of our higher selves […]
13 Practices Of An Awakened Person
The following 13 practices are what I consider the most practical and helpful out of the 37 and by applying these practices to our daily lives we can make a lasting positive impression on the collective consciousness of humanity