Tag: fifth dimension
Becoming Like A Blank Slate – December 2016
by Vera Ingeborg, December 2016 has been super-challenging for many on the spiritual path. After a long period of cleansing many expected some relief towards the end of the year. But the Universe seems to be merciless and is bringing up struggle after struggle and pain after pain. It seems so cruel: It feels like […]
Ascension Dreams
As collective consciousness continues to rise on this planet, so too do the number of precognitive dreams we have. Recently, I’ve had a spate of lucid dreams containing vivid ascension visions. The messages conveyed in these dreams speak of all aspects of our ascension process, from the preparation, to the event, to our life in 5D. Based on these visions, it appears that the much anticipated shift in consciousness draws near. For all of you who are looking forward to this monumental mass ascension with Mother Earth, immense joy awaits you.
Yes, Aliens Are Involved In This Mass Ascension Into The 5th Dimension
by Steve Beckow, I was listening to an intel report that was talking about the events that are unfolding and the man suddenly paused and said: “Listen, I know you’re gonna think I flipped my lid, but there are aliens involved in this. It started about seven or eight years ago. There are Pleiadians, Draconians…” […]
Energy Update – Ascension Process Is Gaining In Both Intensity And Speed
It seems for many of us lately that the Ascension process is gaining in both intensity and speed. Especially since the beginning of 2016, there have definitely been new Ascension energies flooding in, giving us an experience of transitioning that is more pronounced than before.
Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans
Since 2003, I’ve repeatedly heard people say online how they use different old 3D (third dimension) tools, methods and belief systems etc. to help them with their evolutionary Ascension Process induced aches, pains, pressures and related symptoms or side effects of becoming a 5D (fifth dimension) human being in a physical body.
10 Signs You Are Experiencing A Recalibration Of Your Mind-Body-Soul System
As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyperdimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being.
Manifesting The Fifth Dimension
From March 15 through April 13, 2016 Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Transition reached a critical stage in her transformation from a Fourth Dimension Creator Planet to a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet – Mother Earth Activated her Fifth Dimensional “services!”
3D, 4D and 5D – The Dimensions And Their Differences
To understand the different dimensions and how they feel like better, let’s take a look at them individually.
The Arcturians – Your First Interdimensional Reunion Is With Your SELF
by Suzanne Lie, Your true self often begins to surface when you are an adolescent, when your changing hormones are re-directing your attention away from your “childhood fantasies” and into the reality of becoming a “grown up.” Then your young adulthood arises, and you are on the roller coaster of “How can I live in […]
World In Transition From 3D To 5D
by Vidya Frazier, Everywhere we look today, we see a world in transition. It can seem as if global events are totally out of control, the “bad guys” are winning, and that there’s no hope for humanity. The whole idea of the world shifting from 3D to 5D -news can really feel like an illusion. […]
The Arcturians – Leaving Time
The Arcturians through Sue Lie I wrote this in July when we were on the 101 Highway going to Northern California. The traffic was practically stopped, and I could “feel” the aura of all the fires that were burning in that area of the state. I remember that I asked the Arcturians about the upcoming […]
The Arcturians – Interdimensional Portals
by Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians through Sue Lie Sometimes we feel as if we are on the edge of going in to and out of time. What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, […]
The Arcturians & Pleiadians – Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF
Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields.