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Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans

By on November 4, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans

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by Denise Le Fay,

A recent Comment by an Ascension overload sufferer inspired this article. Thanks for it Karen.


Since 2003, I’ve repeatedly heard people say online how they use different old 3D (third dimension) tools, methods and belief systems etc. to help them with their evolutionary Ascension Process induced aches, pains, pressures and related symptoms or side effects of becoming a 5D (fifth dimension) human being in a physical body.

I’ve never understood this thinking or expecting old school 3D, pre-Ascension Process tools and methods to actually help with evolving into a physically embodied 5D human. How could such lower frequency tools and methods be beneficial on someone whose literally vibrating higher and faster than they are? They cannot is the fast answer and why should be obvious.

The difference between a 3D human being and body, central nervous system, DNA, brain wiring, consciousness and perceptions with that of a 5D human being and body and all the rest of it is so extreme that they’re barely the same species! That was not an exaggeration for dramatic effect, but a hard fact. This is evolution, highly compressed evolution yes, but evolution nonetheless and we’re living it now in these lives and these physical bodies.

So, why and how could old 3D lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower everything healing tools, methods and modalities etc. possibly work on or help anyone living through compressed evolution that’s literally changing them into a higher frequency 5D being with matching body, consciousness and perceptions? They cannot, so why waste your money and time on them when they’re not vibrating high enough or aren’t nearly complex and refined enough for a fifth dimensional body and central nervous system etc.?

I realize that for some people some of these old school, lower frequency 3D healing tools such as acupuncture, massage, therapeutic touch, crystals/gemstones, reiki and I don’t know what all else, gives them some relief and comfort, both physically and psychologically, from the brutal energetic onslaughts caused by the evolutionary Ascension Process, at least temporarily. I suspect that they help take the edge off sometimes for a bit when one feels like they are frying from the inside out. I’ve never done any of them because I’m a stubborn Capricorn that wants to get every juicy, painful, spectacular bit out of this very rare Ascension Process lifetime no matter how miserable it often is! But that’s just me, you do what you want and feel you need to get through this evolutionary 3D to 5D transition.

The real problem with all this is that we’re all still in transition between the old lower 3D we incarnated into and are habituated to, and the NEW incredibly higher frequency 5D (and higher) Light Energies that have been and still are Alchemically baking our bodies, brains, central nervous systems, egos, DNA, consciousness and very realities. We’re all in transition still and because of this we’re not all yet fully anchored into the NEW 5D while we’re still doing our best to shed the old lower 3D from ourselves, our bodies and consciousness. This makes it a bit tough while we transition, while we evolve between the old 3D model, reality, tools and beliefs and fully step into the NEW 5D model, reality, tools and knowings (they won’t be beliefs because you’ll have Higher Awareness and Perceptions, meaning you will know, for yourself).


Soon many Forerunners won’t need any so-called external “healing” methods or other people (healers, therapists, doctors etc.) because they’ll be able to correct and adjust whatever it is within them that needs it to return to full functioning themselves at that level of being. After that, more and more people will be able to do this for themselves, by themselves, because it simply goes with the evolutionary territory. So-called “healing” and “healthcare” won’t be anything like what we’ve had or have today because 5D individuals will be able to intentionally and consciously correct and adjust whatever they need to within themselves and their physical and energetic bodies on their own.

Until then however, we’re straddling two radically different worlds of abilities, beliefs and awareness. The old 3D world was one of complete externalization, disconnect and individual dis-empowerment through global beliefs that they need someone else to solve all of their problems, be they health related or spiritual or anything else. In 3D, no one was empowered enough to take care of themselves by themselves. In 5D, everyone has to be totally self-empowered, totally Self-as-Source connected within themselves individually to exist within that 5D level of being and reality. This is why this evolutionary transition is so difficult for so many; it’s literally 180° from the 3D world and reality we all incarnated into.

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When I feel like my central nervous system is going to explode from overload of 5D and higher Light Energies being embodied by me/Me in this physical body, I absolutely HAVE to lay down for as long as I need to slow down and get out of my head and back into my HighHeart. (HighHeart exists in the center of your chest up high, well above your physical heart.) The more quiet, private, motionless, soundless time I have, the more these 5D energies are able to flow unimpeded throughout my body and central nervous system and then anchor into and circulate through my HighHeart where they’re supposed to be. But, when even this isn’t enough and my body and consciousness feels overloaded with Light Energies that vibrate so fast and high they literally rattle and fry your body and nerves like nothing else, then I fall asleep/pass-out for as long as I can so all this gets “rebooted” while I’m asleep and out-of-body. It’s an absolute safety measure taken by your Higher Self & Co. so when you suddenly need to fall asleep during the daytime, by gawd let yourself do it for these very important reasons. You’ll feel so much better when you wake up, like the inner storm has subsided, for the time-being that is.

Bottom line is that 3D tools of any type don’t work on or for 5D hum

EHERHERans. NEW 5D and higher ones do which means there’s a lot of positive change coming and soon. Release the old lower everything as often as you find you need to so can more easily transition into the NEW 5D reality with its matching NEW tools, abilities, consciousness and perceptions.


Copyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is NOT given to use this article in any custom videos. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Image: Pixabay

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