Tag: food
How To Holistically Raise Your Dog Or Puppy
If your body is your temple, then shouldn’t your dog or puppy’s body be the same? Most dog foods contain the worst end products known to man, yet pet commercials try to convince us that these products are the best products available for our pets.
Three Doctors Speak Out Against Fluoride
Three doctors recently spoke out against the dangers of fluoride. Pay attention to the silence by the mainstream media, who once again, failed to report on issues and topics that are devastating to our health.
Ascension Symptoms: Eating Habits
People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They are seeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and heavy proteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the body longer and will create greater density in the body. During cellular transformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from the light or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources. This light pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cells during transformation. This can result in changes in eating habits and changes in your appetite. There can also be a completely new arrangement of your intake of nourishment.
FACT: It Is Impossible For Cancer To Exist In An Alkaline Oxygen-Rich Environment
Eating our alkaline based foods will help the body to remove and neutralize acidic waste products. Most foods we consume are acidic. Meats, dairy products, sugar and starches are enemies of the human body. It’s important to distinguish the difference between food and synthetics. A lot of our foods are either hybrid or genetically modified which in turn makes them unnatural and acidic.
What Are You Eating? Find Out With These pH Alkaline Charts
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com If you ever experienced heartburn or acid reflux, then your body is telling you that you need to boost your alkaline intake! If your pH is lower than 7, then it means you’re acidic. Research has proven that people are more susceptible to diseases when their […]
17 Plants You Can Regrow From Kitchen Scraps
Here is a fun way to regrow your own organic NON GMO plants from common kitchen scraps! Be sure the food you’re using is organic before you begin.
Dr. Ed Group – Genetic Blueprint – A Seed Plus Saliva Equals Miracle Health
What if you could place a seed under your tongue and the seed could recognize what your body is nutritionally missing? What if this same seed could provide those missing nutrients?
5 Things Proving That We Live In A World Upside Down
We need to act to change this mentality. We have to make wiser choices and educate others.
Top 10 Foods You Need To Avoid!
Below are recommendations from Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Peter Glidden that everybody must ELIMINATE from their diet.