Tag: galactic warrior
11 Mistakes I’ve Made On The Spiritual Path
As I embark on my spiritual journey, I have come to realize that I have made several mistakes along the way. These mistakes have hindered my progress and kept me from fully experiencing the richness and depth of the spiritual path. From not setting clear intentions to ignoring my physical and mental health, to focusing too much on the destination and not enough on the journey, these mistakes have taught me valuable lessons and have helped me to become more aware and mindful in my spiritual practices. In this article, I will share with you the 11 mistakes I’ve made on my spiritual path and the valuable lessons I’ve learned from them.
Are You A Galactic Warrior?
There are two types of Lightworkers: One is all about ‘Love and Light’ and the other is the ‘Galactic Warrior’ who fights in the name of ‘Love and Light’.
What Can I Do As A Galactic Warrior?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Do you feel like you came here as a galactic warrior but don’t know what your mission is? Do you feel an impatience in knowing what is happening with the genocide on the planet, but don’t know how to stop it? We are experiencing planned population genocide Those of […]
Attention Galactic Warriors: Where Do We Go From Here?
First we “woke up” to the slavery and tyranny system we were born into on this planet. Then we gradually found ourselves in oil spills, nuclear disasters, chemtrails, and war that incited Marshall Law. We live in a terrorist state where we are now the terrorists. We know the U.S. economy is next in line which will cause hardships all over the world. Why would we want to continue to live in such a world and where do we go from here?