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Tag: GMO

Building a Better Future: Embracing What the World Needs RIGHT NOW!

Building a Better Future: Embracing What the World Needs RIGHT NOW!

By on June 2, 2023 in Awareness with 0 Comments

All new ideas will immediately become open source where if someone else has a better way or a modification of what you invented or created, then that idea is free for anyone to use, implement or recreate into something better.

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31 “What If’s” That Question Our Reality

31 “What If’s” That Question Our Reality

By on July 14, 2018 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are taught to assume that everything we have been taught is the truth, but what if it wasn’t?

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Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

By on October 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

I argue in this article that the environmental policies of global industrialists, which include the release of GMO fauna and flora, mobile phone radiation, fracking, oil production activities and the wilful release of nuclear and other highly biologically-damaging wastes to air, land and sea have hidden agendas. These hidden agendas include de-population, spiritual nullification, social control via frequency entrainment and manipulation of ‘first contact’ with civilisations that live below our feet within the hollow Earth.

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How To Holistically Raise Your Dog Or Puppy

How To Holistically Raise Your Dog Or Puppy

By on May 19, 2016 in Awareness, Health with 0 Comments

If your body is your temple, then shouldn’t your dog or puppy’s body be the same? Most dog foods contain the worst end products known to man, yet pet commercials try to convince us that these products are the best products available for our pets.

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How To Neutralize Implants

How To Neutralize Implants

By on October 3, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

The word implant has been described as being an energetic gateway for negative beings to connect to our bodies. Implants can be physically inserted through E.T. abductions or can be ingested through Chemtrails, GMO foods, and many other substances in our lives. Implants are also present in the etheric body and the purpose of this article is to bring enough information out to be able to keep them neutralized or unable to operate because of a shift in vibration.

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The Myth Of PLU Codes And GMO Foods

The Myth Of PLU Codes And GMO Foods

By on August 5, 2015 in Health

by Alicia Bayer, Do you look for the four or five digit code on your produce to help avoid GMO foods? You’ll find lots of advice online telling you to do just that, but there’s one problem – it’s pretty much complete nonsense. Many sites online will tell you to look for this code in […]

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Health Complaints And Tips For Spiritually Gifted Individuals

Health Complaints And Tips For Spiritually Gifted Individuals

By on May 13, 2015 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever wondered why your body doesn’t seem to respond to supplements, medicines, or even diets the way other people do? Have you ever been baffled by why you developed a certain symptom or illness since the timing or type of ailment doesn’t seem to fit?

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How To Refine Your Psychic Powers

How To Refine Your Psychic Powers

By on May 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Do you see auras, energy, or hear tones or voices? Do you know who is calling before you answer the phone? Have you ever had a dream that came true? Refining psychic powers takes a little concentration and time, but with practice you can tune in to the next level of vibration to receive messages from your guides and to communicate with various other forms of consciousness.

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21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression

21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression

By on May 4, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Depressed? Check out Max and Lana’s 21 tips to better understand, minimize, or avoid depression!

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9 Key Components Of The Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

9 Key Components Of The Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

By on March 30, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Here are 9 key components of the shift commonly experienced by evolving people, not necessarily occurring in a particular order.

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17 Plants You Can Regrow From Kitchen Scraps

17 Plants You Can Regrow From Kitchen Scraps

By on March 14, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

Here is a fun way to regrow your own organic NON GMO plants from common kitchen scraps! Be sure the food you’re using is organic before you begin.

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Two Free Smartphone Apps That Will Eliminate Monsanto, Aspartame, HFCS And Processed Foods

Two Free Smartphone Apps That Will Eliminate Monsanto, Aspartame, HFCS And Processed Foods

By on March 12, 2015 in Awareness, Health

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Despite numerous outcries for GMO labeling, no one really knows if the food they are buying contains GMO’s or not… until now. A new app called ‘Buycott” was unleashed in May of 2013 but was temporarily taken off the market because their server could not handle […]

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Shocking Photos Reveal Severe Damage Caused By GM Soy And Corn

Shocking Photos Reveal Severe Damage Caused By GM Soy And Corn

By on March 11, 2015 in Health

If you think there is nothing wrong with eating genetically modified (GM) corn and soy (along with anything else GM), then please read this…

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What Can I Do As A Galactic Warrior?

What Can I Do As A Galactic Warrior?

By on February 16, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, Do you feel like you came here as a galactic warrior but don’t know what your mission is? Do you feel an impatience in knowing what is happening with the genocide on the planet, but don’t know how to stop it? We are experiencing planned population genocide Those of […]

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Conspiracy Theory Or Truth Theory?

Conspiracy Theory Or Truth Theory?

By on January 27, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

As we are finding out more and more, many truths have been either distorted or hidden in order for those in power to maintain control over society. The obvious answer, for those in power, is to eliminate the competition in any way possible in order to keep the masses subservient and controlled.

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