Tag: incarnations
Adam Kadmon Light Body Interview
I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The Adam Kadmon interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about many things we are experiencing today, such as time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”. Enjoy!
What Is A Soul Group?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What is a Soul Group? Did you ever meet someone and felt as though you knew that person for a long time, even thought this was the first time you ever met? Did you ever have a connection with someone where you could finish their sentences […]
The Arcturians – What Does Ascension Mean?
by Sue Lie, Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard, Feeling the Invisible Ascension is not an action. Ascension is a “state of mind” and “frequency of heart.” The state of mind of ascension is the flow of balancing polarities in your thinking to find the middle road. The frequency of heart is the constant focusing, and […]
The Arcturians & Pleiadians – Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF
Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields.