Tag: journey
Alan Watts – Why Your Life Is Not A Journey
Philosopher Alan Watts explains why the way of looking at your life as a journey can be the most destructive way in this inspiring video. This inspiring video on “Why Your Life Is Not A Journey” will change your perspective about life!
12 Signs That You’re Mastering The Law Of Attraction
How do know when you’re mastering the Law of Attraction? There are a number of signs that a person is learning how to use the Law of Attraction to his or her highest advantage.
Spiritual Loneliness: What to Do When No One Understands You
via TheSpiritScience, If you are spiritually – minded person, it is not a rare thing to feel a little disconnected from other people at times. Experiencing loneliness is a byproduct of spiritual awakening. Living in a modern world where materialism, consumerism and negativity are considered as supreme, you might feel a little displaced, so you […]
The Transformation From Human To Spirit
What is the transition like when we cross over from human to spirit? What happens after our life reviews? Do we meet our spirit guides on the other side? via Afterlife101, • As soon as they leave their human life, all individuals are met by angels and spirit guides, pass through a tunnel, and they […]
100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness
Choose an activity that you enjoy that renews your sense of well-being and resonates congruently with your soul.
16 Ways To Start A New Chapter In Life
I’ve been growing out my hair for years now, and it’s really, really long (down to my belly button!). However, today I am going to make a change! In just a few hours I will be headed to the salon to chop off some inches and try out a totally new style.
Your Grief Can Be Transformative!
by Alistair Conwell, Contributing Writer,In5D.com If you’ve ever experienced losing the physical connection with someone, or even with a pet, you would have experienced grief. Grief is a normal, instinctive response to loss or impending loss of a loved one. And it’s widely believed that a period of grief is merely a period of sadness […]
Healing Anger
Many clients come to me with anger issues. They either don’t know where the anger is coming from, or they’re not sure how to deal with it. If you are dealing with anger issues here are a few things to keep in mind.
Spirituality Begins With Unconditional Love Towards Oneself
by Dylan Harper, DreamcatcherReality.com Learning to be kind to yourself is the first step in living a meaningful life. Avoid a spiritual bypassing by learning how. Your Short Guide to Opening the Fourth Chakra We cannot force spirituality on ourselves. However, most of us do. When we finally realize how cyclic and meaningless our fast-paced […]
Dreams Hold Secret Messages From Your Spirit Guides – Learn To Decode Them
Did you know that your dreams hold coded messages from your higher self and spirit guides? Learn how to decode your dreams with the following simple tools.
Your Cells Are Listening! How Talking to Your Body Helps You Heal
“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.
The Human Light Body
by Kate A. Spreckley, SpiritualPathways As human we are comprised of four bodies, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These four bodies are interconnected and woven together creating our entire human being. Our being is linked to all existence through our body of light. Our body of light is far greater in size than […]
Graham Hancock – Fingerprints Of The Gods
On 6th July 1960 Lt Colonel Harold Ohlmeyer, a United States Airforce Commander, sent a reply to a letter from one Professor Charles Hapgood who had requested his opinion on a feature found on a map of 1513 AD called the Piri Reis Map. Lt Colonel Ohlmeyer’s reply was a bombshell. The map, showing the […]
Journey Of Spiritual Transformation
As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.
Which Of The 7 Types Of Spirit Guides Do You Have?
by Aletheia Luna, Loner Wolf To many people, spirit guides are entities that we choose, or are helpers that are assigned to us before birth. To others, spirit guides represent parts of our unconscious minds that symbolically help us to find wholeness. And still, to other people, spirit guides are parts of our higher selves […]