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Tag: joy

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #68

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #68

By on July 8, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Transformative Angel Message For The Week – Today we wish to show you the path of joy for which you have been searching. Joy is much simpler than you have been lead to believe. You do not have to search for joy. Joy is there in front of you at all times. Joy takes place when you see everything before you, the good, the bad and the ugly, as if God is seeing at it through your eyes. For he is…. You are the eyes and ears of God.

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1950’s LSD Experiments Conclude With Fascinating Results

1950’s LSD Experiments Conclude With Fascinating Results

By on December 6, 2017 in Awareness with 0 Comments

When under controlled conditions, several subjects agreed to experiment with LSD in the 1950’s.  Their results are remarkable and not only show the power of love, but how we are all connected outside of this 3rd dimensional illusion.

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What Is True Love?

What Is True Love?

By on February 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Neda The Mystic, Contributing Writer, With the month of Valentine’s Day coming to a close, something inside many of us is still burning with fiery passion inside, longing to know if we are with “The One” or are we are on our way to “The One?” Guess what, Cupid Eyes? You’ll never find “The […]

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What Do You No Longer Need?

What Do You No Longer Need?

By on March 11, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Ali Hibbert Everything in your life serves a purpose and plays a role on your healing journey, beginning with your thoughts and beliefs. Even the energies you use to create your life serve a purpose and there is a time when they are no longer useful or appropriate. Each thing that you no longer […]

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