Tag: kundalini

5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul
5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul – Twin souls have gone through many reincarnations and lifetimes on earth and throughout the universe, so when they do meet again, the soul recognizes and the synchronicities light up, just like spark and passion combined, a feeling of familiarity. If you need insight and direction to know if you have come across this person, here are some tips.

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms
by Sabrina Reber Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. As we integrate more of our true spiritual essence into our being we expand our auric field, chakra system and activate […]

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com When you Google ‘awakening’ you are quickly taken down the rabbit hole of signs and symptoms, spiritual ideology and karmic teaching. The bible and quantum mechanics come up. But what does awakening actually mean? The word ‘awakening’ is contentious. There is a language of separation perceived in spiritualism. Awake implies asleep. […]

Accelerated Ascension Symptoms
This isn’t a race, you don’t have to ascend by a certain date or else. It is a conscious choice to fully engage and support the Ascension process. If you’ve made the choice to be aware and assist your process, some interesting – and challenging – ascension symptoms and situations may arise.

Kundalini Activation – WTF is Happening to My Body?!?
We see this fairly often, a person goes through an intense spiritual or transcendent experience, and afterwards they begin having some very strange things happen to them. They may start having sensations of intense heat or energy flowing through their body. They may start hearing tones, often very high-pitched. Their body may begin to feel like it’s vibrating, or they may feel pressure in their forehead.

True Signs Of Illumination
by Nikki Colombo, Editor – Contact Online Magazine This is my daughter, first thing you notice in this photo of her is her eyes! The reason I chose this photo is because blue predominantly pops out in photography! She is in a state of Illumination or aka Ascension. Theses States are not permanent yet but […]

The Secret Story Never Told
Writer’s name withheld by request, In5D.com It’s been hidden from mankind forever and great lengths are still taken to keep it hidden from us. This is the story of a journey that something inside of your body makes every month. And once this happens to you, awareness, and comprehension are increased a thousand fold. This […]

The 12 Chakra Sytem And The Twinflame Process
by Hannes Häusler, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Are you feeling intense energies in these days? Stomach cramping, pain, dizziness, tiredness and even fear of death can all be symptoms of you birthing the new chakra template. For a few years now, there is more and more children being born with new chakras. Some have 8, others […]

The Acturians – On The Cusp of Ascension
by Suzanne Lie, Arcturian Answers to Human Questions Dear Arcturians, Something “died” last night, and something new was reborn. I had a dream, or vision, or reality in which it occurred. I cannot remember the details of the dream, and I don’t think the details are important. What I do remember is the feeling that […]

Now Is The Time To Arise, Awakened
Deep within the recesses of your cellular consciousness are the codes of Light, when activated at the Blueprint Level, awaken deep profound shifts in your consciousness.

The Arcturians – Your First Interdimensional Reunion Is With Your SELF
by Suzanne Lie, Your true self often begins to surface when you are an adolescent, when your changing hormones are re-directing your attention away from your “childhood fantasies” and into the reality of becoming a “grown up.” Then your young adulthood arises, and you are on the roller coaster of “How can I live in […]

Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration
Inner Sustainability is Integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when we self source from within our Soul and Monad connection, our personal spiritual source field connected directly with God. As we progressively undergo Expanding Consciousness through the activation of internal Kundalini energies traveling up the spinal column and into our Chakra system, we end consumptive modeling and vampirism of other people’s energies.