Tag: lightworker
The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One
by Sandra Weaver, The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth […]
WE Will Rewrite History! A Lightworker’s Perspective
While the global elite continue to suppress technologies that will benefit mankind while keeping us in conditions of tyranny and oppression, their main agenda is backfiring on an awakening planet. In the future, how will history record these events?
Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?
Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression. This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality. Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.
Six Powerful Self Healing Techniques
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer, In5D.com In a recent In5d article, Cameron Day shared with us why he is “no longer a lightworker”. His message was that there is a false light matrix that has control of the planet and it is up to us to recognize it and retract from it. How do […]
21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression
Depressed? Check out Max and Lana’s 21 tips to better understand, minimize, or avoid depression!
Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Would it surprise you to know that not all spirit guides assigned to us have our best interests in mind? As we learn more information and move toward a new level of understanding on the planet, it may be time for a change of the guard in your guidance […]
Am I Living My Life Purpose as a Light Worker?
by Max and Lana, Contributing writers, In5D.com Each day, many people on this planet who have the luxury of a few minutes to wonder, ask themselves if they are truly living a life that is aligned with their personal purpose. ‘Am I in the right place or doing what I came here to do in […]
It’s Time to Wake Up, Starseeds!
Most Star Seeds that I have met are either professional intuitives, healers, channelers, mediums. This however, does not make Starseeds any more special than other people. I have found through my encounters with other Star Seeds, that while they always have the purist intention to help others, they tend to get a little wrapped up in their own heads, and block others from coming into their space.
Are You A Wanderer?
What is a wanderer? Some wanderers are ETs who have come from elsewhere to planet Earth for this incarnation or at this time. Many other wanderers are earth natives who have matured spiritually to the point of awakening to their metaphysical identity, thereby making the worldly identity less real, and creating the sense of being a stranger in a strange land. Both types of wanderers are in the same situation here on Earth now, in that they often don’t fit in well here, for their inner universe has shifted, and the “real” world for them has shifted from the earthly world to the aesthetic and ethical innerness of the metaphysical world.
When ‘Bad’ Manifestations Happen To ‘Good’ Light Workers
by Max and Lana Guest writers, In5D.com I Manifested WHAT? We’ve all had the experience of wondering why or how something we manifested could go so wrong. In some cases, what we created wasn’t what we consciously intended to manifest. Other times we managed to create the scenario we intended, but it didn’t make us […]
Moving From Darkness Into Light
There are many changes happening upon the planet that is affecting each of you. Many of you feel the need to get things done. Many feel the impulse to move to a new location or are having difficulties finding your place in the work field. These are natural occurrences; let these things flow through you and not get caught in the angst of the moment. Many of you are leaving the planet, dying in quick and sometimes unusual ways. A host of you are having emotional and mental issues arising as a result of repressed feelings of childhood memories. Hospitals are filling with those who have contracted diseases such as cancer and heart disorders. This is all part of the ascension process.
Am I Of Higher Frequency?
Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other people don’t work for you? Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?”
How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity
In order to explain how our world came to be controlled by a small group of beings we call the Illuminati, one should know the truth about black magic and how it is used on us against our free will.
Are All Spirit Guides Of The False Light?
Who am I really calling upon when I ask my “guides and angels” for help? They could be genies (djinns) that pose as angels and helpers from the astral realm, and these types usually want something in return. Recognizing motive and paying attention to your body’s intuition and discernment signals can help you figure out if you are dealing with a being that is benevolent or malevolent.