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Tag: lucid dreaming

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

By on February 12, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Welcome to the world of dreams, where the mind takes flight and the imagination runs wild. This mysterious realm is filled with endless possibilities, and holds within its depths secrets waiting to be unlocked. As we delve deeper into the world of sleep, we uncover a wealth of astonishing facts about the dream state, from […]

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7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Come To A Sudden Stop

7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Come To A Sudden Stop

By on July 2, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

No matter your level of conscious awareness or the level of spiritual enlightenment that you have attained, there will come a time on your spiritual journey where you know and feel that you have made great internal progress and then suddenly… nothing.

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The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

By on August 23, 2017 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Quartz crystal is one of the most powerful gemstones on the planet and is ideal for healing, chakra clearing, enhancing psychic abilities, emotional clearing, meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, dream enhancement and opening the 3rd eye. The double terminated quartz crystal is even more powerful because […]

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33 Symptoms Of Cosmic Upgrades Triggered By Solar Eclipse Gateway

33 Symptoms Of Cosmic Upgrades Triggered By Solar Eclipse Gateway

By on August 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The opening of the Lions Gate portal on 8.8.17, accelerated by the powerful ascended masters energy of 888, brought us and Gaia into alignment, preparing us for a major timeline shift.

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Cosmic Waves Are Activating Our Chakras

Cosmic Waves Are Activating Our Chakras

By on June 18, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Cosmic waves activate our chakras, bringing our mind body soul system online with higher frequencies. To integrate flow of energy, through and round our system, each chakra has to be cleared of blockages, flow should be free and easy. This process of karmic evolution is affecting us all. The fifth dimension is calling.

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7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

By on June 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?

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Is It A Spiritual Awakening Or Am I Just Plain Crazy?

Is It A Spiritual Awakening Or Am I Just Plain Crazy?

By on May 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

You’ve probably asked yourself that question. I did too, a million times, and it was a tough question to answer. A few years ago I experienced what I can only describe as a psychosis. For quite some time my natural highly sensitive tendencies had been intensifying, as had my spiritual experiences, until they all eventually just blurred together into one heck of an overwhelming, maddening mess. And maddening, it truly was.

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Top 23 Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms

Top 23 Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms

By on March 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kelly Ashley, Guest writer, If you’re reading this you’ve probably spent some time scouring the internet looking for lists of signs or symptoms of spiritual awakening. It’s probably not the first time you’ve searched for that either. How do I know this? Because I was once in the same position – endlessly trawling […]

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Magic Wand! 10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth

Magic Wand! 10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth

By on March 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I’d like one that can poof away unpleasant things, such as bills, anxiety, and cellulite. My ideal magic wand would also bestow metaphysical superpowers and beam me onto friendly starships. Though I have yet to find a magic wand like in the storybooks, the crystal kingdom has a version that comes close–the Kyanite wand.

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How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

By on December 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Society nowadays is very much accustomed to the feeling of fear. We believe it to be a natural phenomena throughout the learning process. Almost all educational systems and most working environments are based on fear and the general motive and drive in the western as well as most of the eastern countries is one of fear. It is this artificial archontic force, which is determining the life of most people

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The 12 Chakra Sytem And The Twinflame Process

The 12 Chakra Sytem And The Twinflame Process

By on November 13, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Hannes Häusler, Contributing Writer, Are you feeling intense energies in these days? Stomach cramping, pain, dizziness, tiredness and even fear of death can all be symptoms of you birthing the new chakra template. For a few years now, there is more and more children being born with new chakras. Some have 8, others […]

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Soul Communication: 7 Ways Your True Self Is Trying To Guide You

Soul Communication: 7 Ways Your True Self Is Trying To Guide You

By on August 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Aletheia Luna is one of my favorite authors in this field and is spot on in this article! by Aletheia Luna, LonerWolf Shamans, medicine people, mystics and sages throughout the ages have always known that the soul doesn’t speak the human language. Instead, our souls communicate with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings […]

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7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communication

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communication

By on November 9, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

These 7 plant allies can stimulate our consciousness to expand opening us to alternate experiences of reality and new ways of perceiving our selves and surroundings

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Lucid Dreams: The WILD Technique for Induced Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreams: The WILD Technique for Induced Lucid Dreaming

By on September 3, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

The Wake Induced Lucid Dream (aka WILD) is the most powerful lucid dreaming technique known to man for two reasons: 1. It enables you to have conscious dreams whenever you want and 2. It produces the most vivid kind of lucid dreams possible.

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52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams

52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams

By on August 20, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Learning to have lucid dreams. It’s fun, intensive, frustrating, euphoric, bizarre, daunting… yet ultimately, lucid dreaming is a hugely rewarding and life-changing experience.

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