Tag: mother earth

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings
One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark beings for a million years. The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire and need for their planets.

What is Photon Energy?
Photon energy is the powerful new energy source that will replace electricity in the new millennium. It’s a free energy source and nobody can monopolize it. Its outer edge or belt has already reached Earth’s atmosphere and is affecting not only Earth but many planets in the solar system. Photon energy is light energy, and […]

How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective
I want to tell you a story that affects us all, and is a road map to the higher realms, and what is called Ascension. My name is Fred, and in the late 1970’s I had a relationship with a girl that was magical yet was also tumultuous and chaotic at times.

What Is 2017 About?
by Kathrine Elizabeth Lorena Johansson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com 2016 has indeed presented a powerful year to us. And perhaps you are wondering about the energies of 2017, and which focus to keep after we step over the threshold and into a new year. In 2016, many have felt the energetic impulses, moving like etheric hurricanes through […]

4 Simple Actions To Improve Your Wellbeing
We all know how living in the 21st century is challenging and we forget how to feel good in our daily life. Read on for a reminder of some simple action steps you can take to improve your feeling of wellbeing.

Ascension Dreams
As collective consciousness continues to rise on this planet, so too do the number of precognitive dreams we have. Recently, I’ve had a spate of lucid dreams containing vivid ascension visions. The messages conveyed in these dreams speak of all aspects of our ascension process, from the preparation, to the event, to our life in 5D. Based on these visions, it appears that the much anticipated shift in consciousness draws near. For all of you who are looking forward to this monumental mass ascension with Mother Earth, immense joy awaits you.

The Most Important Symbolic Meaning Of The Present Moment
by Kathrine Johansson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Have you been asking yourself what to hold on to in this time just past the Trump election, while simultaneously experiencing a range of strong energy influxes, together with the most potent super moon on November 14th? This article concerns the oppositional move of energies that characterizes the present moment, […]

Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution
I argue in this article that the environmental policies of global industrialists, which include the release of GMO fauna and flora, mobile phone radiation, fracking, oil production activities and the wilful release of nuclear and other highly biologically-damaging wastes to air, land and sea have hidden agendas. These hidden agendas include de-population, spiritual nullification, social control via frequency entrainment and manipulation of ‘first contact’ with civilisations that live below our feet within the hollow Earth.

Speed Earth’s Ascension by Grounding The New Energies Into Earth – Here’s How
by Amanda Gauci, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Further to my article, “Three Easy Steps To Do Your Part in the Awakening and Ascension of Earth. The Time is Upon US.” Posted Saturday, 8 October, and due to popular demand, have decided to write another article explaining why we need to ground and give you an exercise to […]

Rapid Energy Shifting Through Recent Portal Openings
by Katie IndiCrow, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Some have noticed that I’ve been unusually quiet this week. It may seem strange because SO MUCH is going on, and so many people are facing the darkness of both themselves and their societies. Storms are happening. Lies are being exposed. Things have been incredibly brittle and yet I have […]

The Time Is Upon Us – Three Easy Steps To Do Your Part In The Awakening And Ascension Of Earth
by Amanda Gauci, Infinite Flow As you ALL may or may not be aware, OUR Great Mother Earth (Gaia), has gone into a new Earth cycle this year. This is a scientific fact and occurs approximately every 27,000 years. This year has been quite a ride for all of us, with shift after shift occurring […]

Ascension, Mother Earth, And Current State Of Affairs: Cosmic Rays Evolve Consciousness And Transform DNA
29 years ago, in the year 1987, something happened and the world felt it. The first globally synchronized meditation – commonly known as the first “Harmonic Convergence” – took place.

Schumann Resonance And The Time Speeding Up Phenomenon
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. Some […]

Sun Gazing – Bringing In The Light
by Kim Caldwell, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Make hay while the sun is shining– Miguel De Cervnantes Sungazing is a powerful process that dates back to ancient Egypt. There is much evidence that points to the knowing that the Egyptians received downloads of Divine information from practicing Sun Gazing as light carries information. This could be described […]