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Tag: multi-dimensional

Get Very Comfortable Saying The Word No

Get Very Comfortable Saying The Word No

By on January 25, 2023 in Awareness with 0 Comments

Are you tired of feeling oppressed and controlled? It’s time to take a stand and reclaim your power. Learn to say the word NO, and set boundaries for those who try to rule over you. Remember, you are a sovereign being and no one has the right to hold dominion over you. It’s time to awaken to your true potential and remember who you truly are – a divine and powerful being on a mission. Don’t let anyone intimidate or conform you, trust in yourself and your abilities.

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4 Types Of Multidimensional Beings

4 Types Of Multidimensional Beings

By on August 30, 2017 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

There are some beings that are working with humans here on earth who are helping with our spiritual transformation. These include Guides, Angels and Extra-Terrestrials. There are other multidimensional beings that can and do interact with us such as Animals, but these are the main ones that you will be in contact with and who will be helping with your spiritual awakening. For this reason I will give a brief description of these beings.

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Finding The Peace That Passes All Understanding

Finding The Peace That Passes All Understanding

By on December 25, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

We have all heard time and again that we are “created in the image of God”, that we are multi-dimensional, divine beings, that carry a pure spark, an aspect of, a piece love walking in physical form.

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The Lion’s Gate, Star Sirius, And The Galactic Center

The Lion’s Gate, Star Sirius, And The Galactic Center

By on August 4, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Meg Benedicte, Since my Awakening in 1994, I’ve been following the spiritual path towards deeper Soul connection and greater understanding of the mysteries of universe. Along the way I’ve encountered some profound moments of awe-inspiring awareness and heart-felt loving kindness streaming into my being from angelic presence and ascended souls. We are truly not […]

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Higher Frequency Upgrades

Higher Frequency Upgrades

By on September 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

We again have huge crystalline particles visible as we activate these cellular upgrading frequencies continually now. As we continue to move into the higher frequencies, solar flares cease and only crystalline exists. The frequencies change for us.

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When ‘Bad’ Manifestations Happen To ‘Good’ Light Workers

When ‘Bad’ Manifestations Happen To ‘Good’ Light Workers

By on February 28, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Max and Lana Guest writers, I Manifested WHAT? We’ve all had the experience of wondering why or how something we manifested could go so wrong. In some cases, what we created wasn’t what we consciously intended to manifest. Other times we managed to create the scenario we intended, but it didn’t make us […]

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