Tag: near death experience
Dr Raymond Moody – What Can We Expect After We Die?
Raymond Moody (born June 30, 1944) is a psychologist and medical doctor. He is most famous as an author of books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975. His best-selling title is Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon–Survival of Bodily Death. Moody’s most famous book […]
Who Created God If God Created Everything?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com As evidenced through numerous near death experiences, there is an all-loving presence that we know as God, Creator, Source, etc… but who created God? What if there was a caste system where the “God” that we know of reports to a higher being of existence? Some […]
It Seemed So Easy On The Other Side Of The Veil
Did you ever wonder why you agreed to incarnate at this point in time and space? Are you fully aware of why you received so many challenges in this lifetime?
Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix
by Truman L. Cash Guest writer, In5D.com A “chosen one” is an individual who is contacted and abducted by extra-terrestrials repeatedly from lifetime to lifetime. “Chosen ones” are sometimes placed in high-level positions in governments, secret societies and religions. The term “chosen one” is a term that the ETs themselves use both to flatter and […]
The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more […]
These 9 Things That Happen To You When You’re Dying
#1 You Can See Your Body Many people have this “out of body experience” and see their lifeless body beneath them when they are technically dead. That means they are an incorporeal spirit floating above their body. They can see everything that is going on in the room and who is in it. Any attempt […]
What You Need To Know About The DMT Experience
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com In this article, we’ll look at the differences between various hallucinogens, common experiences amongst those who have tried DMT (dimethyltryptamine), personal reports and the do’s and dont’s of using DMT. I have tried DMT, but then again, everyone has because we all experience DMT in small […]
When You Do Your Life Review
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What will your life review look like when you cross over to the other side? For many people, they will see a great deal of their life wasted by sitting in front of the television. While some may be watching educational programs, they are still being […]
Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?
by Kim Hutchinson Contributing Writer,In5D.com Awakening to your full potential Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For instance, […]
How To Exit The Reincarnation System
We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review? Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation?