Tag: negativity

7 Signs Your Chakras Are Imbalanced
Weaknesses in emotional behavior or various physical dysfunctions might have something to do with your chakras.

A Very Important And Humbling Life Lesson
by Danni Rae, Contributing Writer, In5D.com I’m a middle school teacher and I love my kids, but it’s not always sunshine and roses dealing with teenagers. I had a kid in class, we will call him “Sam”. He was not a great student. He was a tough one to deal with. From the first day […]

The Slippery Slope – A Negative Twin Flame Path
by Jenifer, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Have you ever been pissed off at your Twin Flame? Steaming mad? Or perhaps you have fallen into heartache or apathy? You swear that you are Done with them? Convinced that they are Done with you? Now your mind starts going down what I call “The Slippery Slope” which is one […]

Empath Energy Update – The Year Of The Empath
Narcissists are ‘attempting’ a ‘final’ attack on Empaths. This is going ‘back’ to the core of a deep Ancient Wound on the Psyche (there is more to this as this is going back to childhood as well, more may be shared later in another part).

7 Signs You Are Starting to Live In The Fifth Dimension – Don’t Ignore Them!
Yes, in this article we’re going to answer this question for you – what does it mean to shift from 3D consciousness into the 5th dimension?

ENERGY UPDATE – Onwards and Upwards!
by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com Stand Up for Yourself, Take your Power Back Relationships, make or break time Lower Density Energies Feeling ‘stuck’ Empaths, Blue Rays, Transformers of Energy DEEPLY Communication is the Key Back and Forth Conscious Soul Choice – IT NEEDS TO COME FROM WITHIN OURSELVES FIRSTLY Breaking Free Our lights’ shining HAS […]

5 Easy Tips To Reduce Negativity On Your Facebook Feed
Would you like to reduce negativity on your Facebook feed so you can scroll in peace? If you are trying to raise your vibration, you may have noticed that your Facebook feed can be a real landmine.

Spiritual Awakening Can Heal Your Sleep Problems Or Insomnia
by Helen E. Williams, DreamcatcherReality Our inner world is always triggered by our spiritual awakening. Therefore, we sometimes have sleep troubles and eventually insomnia. As you may know, sleep is a fundamental thing in our lives — and not getting enough of it directly affects our mental state and also the way we function throughout […]

5 Things To Release On The Path Of Enlightenment
You probably don’t need me to tell you that spirituality isn’t all about feeling positive or uplifted. The enlightenment path requires us to sacrifice things that hold us back and keep us from making progress, and maybe this is where the notion of religious sacrifice was created.

Old Soul In The New Energy
Since December of 2012, planet Earth entered a new energy and a new consciousness. As we look at the world today, it is tempting to think of it as dark and falling apart. We are, however, in a transition process.

Deepak Chopra: Dealing With Negativity
There are a number of different techniques to deal with negativity. It takes time before you find the right response to suit a specific situation. The more patient you are with yourself, the better. One day you may need tears, the next day it’s a matter of patiently waiting or talking to your inner self. Here are some methods of dealing with negativity to add to your repertoire

Dolores Cannon – Moving Into The New Earth
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Many people have heard about the “New Earth” but what is it and what can we expect? The late Dolores Cannon answers these questions and many more. SUMMARY I’ll try to summarize some of the main points: The Earth frequencies are changing As our bodies are […]

Relationships In The New Energies
by Stefanie Miller Everything in creation holds an energy frequency. It seems so obvious to many of us. Yet, so many have not embraced that philosophy. There are those that still choose to live unconsciously and make choices that are not in direct alignment and in harmony with their lives. Living, as well as non-living […]