Tag: seed
All About Lemurian Seed Crystals
Many of us have heard about Lemurian Seed Crystals but what are they, where do they come from and what properties do they possess? In my research, I found a website which gives a wonderful explanation of Lemurian seed crystals by Mark Naea, who was very gracious to share this article with us. Enjoy!
Dr. Ed Group – Genetic Blueprint – A Seed Plus Saliva Equals Miracle Health
What if you could place a seed under your tongue and the seed could recognize what your body is nutritionally missing? What if this same seed could provide those missing nutrients?
11 11 Journey of a Starseed
Most people these days believe in the possibility of life on other planets. Many people also believe in the possibility of reincarnation, i.e., that your soul inhabits more than one body across the infinite span of its existence. A Starseed is simply a monadic spark that has only recently (i.e., within the last one or […]