Tag: Shadow Work

Scorpio Supermoon – Cleaning House, Transmutation, Shadow Work, Money
Happy SuperMoon in Scorpio! This Super Full Moon becomes exact on Monday, April 26 at 11:32 PM New York Time (03:32 GMT on April 27).

Super New Moon In Scorpio/Mars Stations Direct: Endings And Beginnings, Shadow Work
Happy Super New Moon in Scorpio! This New Moon in 23 degrees of Scorpio became exact at 12:07 AM New York time (5:07 GMT) on Sunday, November 15. This is the third and final of three consecutive Super New Moons and it marks the beginning of Eclipse Season, as the first of a pair of eclipses occurs on the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini.

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com When you Google ‘awakening’ you are quickly taken down the rabbit hole of signs and symptoms, spiritual ideology and karmic teaching. The bible and quantum mechanics come up. But what does awakening actually mean? The word ‘awakening’ is contentious. There is a language of separation perceived in spiritualism. Awake implies asleep. […]