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Tag: starseed

The 11:11 Stargate Portal is Open, Streaming Powerful Gamma Photonic Rays

The 11:11 Stargate Portal is Open, Streaming Powerful Gamma Photonic Rays

By on November 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Meg Benedicte, The energy is amping in intensity in the planetary collective, as polarized forces are battling for control. We see examples of this battle playing out in the US election and UK’s Brexit vote. The opposing parties and their followers are rigidly entrenched in righteous indignation. Neither side has humanity’s best interest in […]

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Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human

Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human

By on October 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Victoria Trinity, Let me begin by saying I am uncomfortable using the term “starseed”. It implies that I am somehow better than most other humans – that I am somehow more special. Or needed. However, I use the word nonetheless because for as long as I can remember in this particular incarnation in this […]

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Starseed Hotline Interviews In5D’s Gregg Prescott – Energy Update, Massive Tidal Waves, Spirit Guides, DNA Upgrades, New Energies

Starseed Hotline Interviews In5D’s Gregg Prescott – Energy Update, Massive Tidal Waves, Spirit Guides, DNA Upgrades, New Energies

By on September 23, 2016 in Energy Updates, In5D Radio

New In5D video! We cover a HUGE range of metaphysical and spiritual subjects in this interview. Starseed Network’s Lavendar and Arielle interview In5D’s Gregg Prescott as we talk about many topics including: Gregg’s dream of 3 tidal waves coming (and it’s not what you think!) Opening your 3rd eye Merging with your spirit guide DNA […]

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Timeline Shifting – Passing Through The Silver Gate

Timeline Shifting – Passing Through The Silver Gate

By on July 21, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lisa Renee, EnergeticSynthesis Dear Ascending Family, We are nearing a time of more visible and tangible changes for the planet and for the collective consciousness of humanity. For those of us who are able to participate consciously in this process, these changes are very encouraging, even as the workload feels like it is increasing. […]

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Starseed Characteristics

Starseed Characteristics

By on November 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

1) An aversion to bright unnatural lighting, yet solace found in natural sunlight. 2) An aversion to reptiles, amphibians, and snakes. [Reptilian seeds often are obsessively attracted to these however] 3) Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold. 4) An extreme sensitivity to pain. 5) A feeling of being very different from most others. 6) A […]

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Lisa Renee – Timelines – Energetic Synthesis

Lisa Renee – Timelines – Energetic Synthesis

By on June 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A direct transmission to Starseeds and Indigos about our intrinsic role and genetic purpose on the planet as a Consciousness Shifter. It is our group function and role to override negative agendas being promoted through “Alien Software” using fear, destruction and manipulation.

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How To Find Your Pleiadian Starseed Markings

How To Find Your Pleiadian Starseed Markings

Who you are has a lot to do with the day, date and time you incarnated here on Earth, due to the specific planetary starseed alignments at the time of your birth. The alignment of specific planetary positions in the houses will tell you what specific type of destiny you have chosen for this incarnation. It can also tell you the origin of your starseed lineage.

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18 Ways To Know If You Are A Starseed

18 Ways To Know If You Are A Starseed

By on March 7, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Indigos with 0 Comments

Do you think you might be a star seed? Being a Star Seed doesn’t mean that we are anymore, or less, special than someone who is an incarnated angel. It just gives you a bit more understanding of why and who you are.

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We Are Star Seeds – Born From The Universe

We Are Star Seeds – Born From The Universe

By on February 26, 2015 in Indigos

by Verlaine Crawford Contributing Writer, A Cosmic View of Consciousness Our everyday lives of taking care of our families, working, commuting and sometimes playing can often seem redundant and boring. We begin to wonder, ‘Is that all there is?’ We may develop a feeling that something is missing. There must be more to life. Perhaps […]

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All About Starseeds

All About Starseeds

By on February 18, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the loneliness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet.

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The Starseed Journey

The Starseed Journey

By on January 29, 2015 in Indigos

by Ellie Crystal We are all starborn, starseeds, created from the same source. Your soul is a tiny spark of light. It spirals out from the creational source of light. It innocently searches for new realms of adventure. It spirals through a matrix of grid patterns in many frequency dimensions of its universe stopping then […]

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How To Know If You Are A Starseed

How To Know If You Are A Starseed

By on January 24, 2015 in Indigos

Are you a starseed? Starseeds (or ‘lightbeings’) is a term used to describe human beings who believe they originated as extraterrestrial life from other worlds or planets, and arrived to Earth through birth or as a walk-in to an existing human body.

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11 11 Journey of a Starseed

11 11 Journey of a Starseed

By on January 13, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

Most people these days believe in the possibility of life on other planets. Many people also believe in the possibility of reincarnation, i.e., that your soul inhabits more than one body across the infinite span of its existence. A Starseed is simply a monadic spark that has only recently (i.e., within the last one or […]

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Traits Of Star People And Starseeds

Traits Of Star People And Starseeds

By on January 4, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Are you a Star Person or Star Seed? Brad told me that when he had compiled this list of attributes of ‘Star People’ he had no idea how many people would be affected by it. The number of people who currently fit the profile of Star Children – or those who are evolving – has […]

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Abductions And The Starseed Hybrid Children

Abductions And The Starseed Hybrid Children

By on September 14, 2014 in Extraterrestrials

Thousands of accounts of abductions can be attributed to the alien/human hybridization agenda. Have humans volunteered to help a race that could no longer have offspring, and if so will we get to meet these hybrid children?

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