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Tag: technique

20/20 Eyesight, 100% FREE, HOLISTIC and NATURAL: The Bates Method

20/20 Eyesight, 100% FREE, HOLISTIC and NATURAL: The Bates Method

By on June 14, 2019 in Health with 0 Comments

Want 20/20 vision? Correct your eyesight with a FREE, holistic and natural method.  THIS REALLY WORKS! My vision has improved from -4.75 to -3.75  after one month of doing the Bates Method!

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30 Astral Projection Techniques

30 Astral Projection Techniques

By on October 9, 2017 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Are you curious about Astral Projection or how to have an Out Of Body Experience (OOBE)? The following are 30 innovative techniques for inducing astral projections and OOBE’s!

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Lucid Dreams: The WILD Technique for Induced Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreams: The WILD Technique for Induced Lucid Dreaming

By on September 3, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

The Wake Induced Lucid Dream (aka WILD) is the most powerful lucid dreaming technique known to man for two reasons: 1. It enables you to have conscious dreams whenever you want and 2. It produces the most vivid kind of lucid dreams possible.

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3rd Eye Meditation

3rd Eye Meditation

By on April 18, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Imagine what your life would have been like if you had kept your eyelids shut for your entire lifetime. Your eyes would have worked perfectly and yet your sense of vision would have gone to waste. Similarly, not using your 3rd eye is keeping you in the dark in relation to enjoying the wonders and wisdom of your sense of mystic sight.

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How To Manifest Anything And Stop Conflicts In Two Minutes Flat

How To Manifest Anything And Stop Conflicts In Two Minutes Flat

By on April 8, 2015 in Meditation

I call it the “Aloha Breath Technique” but I do not know what the ancient Kahuna of Hawaii used to call it. Aloha normally is a greeting used by Hawaiians like “hello” or “goodbye”. It can also mean love, compassion, caring, goodwill etc.

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What Techniques Work Best For Inducing an Out of Body Experience?

What Techniques Work Best For Inducing an Out of Body Experience?

By on January 18, 2015 in Meditation

by C.Taylor The Seven Most Effective Techniques for Inducing an Out of Body Experience Firstly, it is important to say that before attempting to use any of the Techniques for inducing an Out of Body Experience, you should be fully-relaxed in mind and body. contains lots of information and tips in order to reach […]

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16 People With Real Super Abilities

16 People With Real Super Abilities

By on October 24, 2014 in Science

Have you ever dreamed about having super powers? Most likely if you are anything like me you have fantasized about having extraordinary abilities such as super strength or moving objects with your mind. We have found 16 examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities. Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits.

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