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Tag: walk-in

What Are Walk-in Souls And What Do They Do?

What Are Walk-in Souls And What Do They Do?

By on February 15, 2018 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening

Q: What is a walk-in experience? A: This is where two individual souls have agreed to switch places. The first soul has gone as far as it can in its development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken its place will serve in a different capacity than before. Normally, permission has been granted in order for this to take place. Another way to call the experience is soul transference.

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It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

By on January 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

If you have had dreams, visions or meditative flashes of what looks like the Australian Borealis or Aurora Borealis, but these colors look pastel but bright, combined with what may look like a burst of fireworks, sometimes followed by an Armada of vastly different size Spaceships but cant recall the exact details of what those ships look like, you have been contacted!

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26 Psychic Abilities Of Star Children

26 Psychic Abilities Of Star Children

By on September 12, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

As cosmic energies bathe the planet in ever increasing waves of higher consciousness, our DNA is being activated or returned to its perfection. Psychic abilities that have been dormant for thousands of years are currently being activated.

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Q & A With A Pleiadian Sirian Walk-In

Q & A With A Pleiadian Sirian Walk-In

By on June 18, 2015 in Indigos

by A.L.,  SalemCtr Interviewer’s Note: Kelemeria looks just like anyone else. And when she talks, she has that funny Boston accent that many of us are blessed with. But even though Kelemeria looks and talks like a normal person, she is a very unusual person. She is not from around here. She is a walk-in. […]

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What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?

What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, There are plenty of false light teachings that skew how the fifth dimension is tied to ascension. These particular tricks and spells were created in order to distract us from the true reality of being our multidimensional selves. As the imposed veil continues to thin, we are realizing the […]

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How To Recognize And Assist Walk In Souls

How To Recognize And Assist Walk In Souls

By on May 16, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Are there certain signs that define whether someone has a walk in soul? What would you do if you recognized these signs?

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The Walk-In Soul Experience

The Walk-In Soul Experience

By on April 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Did you ever feel like you were not yourself or as if your personality and interests changed literally overnight? If so, then you might be a walk-in! Walk-In Souls – Book Excerpt from, “Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension” by Joshua David Stone Walk-ins are soul extensions, or personalities, who take over the […]

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Walk-Ins: The Wandering Souls

Walk-Ins: The Wandering Souls

By on March 22, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

In 1979, Ruth Montgomery published Strangers Among Us, a collection of accounts of walk-ins. She included prominent historical figures among her subjects, such as Thomas Jefferson as having hosted walk-in spirits who wrote the Declaration of Independence. Subsequently, a belief system grew up around the walk-in. It included attributes such as the concept of ascending […]

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Exclusive Interview! Conversations With A Walk-In Soul

Exclusive Interview! Conversations With A Walk-In Soul

By on March 14, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What are ‘Walk-Ins’ and have you ever met one?  Who are these Entities?  Perhaps during your Metaphysical Journey or Spiritual Path you’ve been close to one or perhaps just never been aware of their existence.

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Current And Future Advice From A Walk-In Soul

Current And Future Advice From A Walk-In Soul

By on February 27, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

Walk-in souls are souls who either give your current soul a break or will replace your soul if your soul no longer wants to be in this 3rd dimensional density. In this interview, you will learn a lot about what to expect right now and in the future from a walk-in soul.

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