What Are Walk-in Souls And What Do They Do?
Q: What is a walk-in experience?
A: This is where two individual souls have agreed to switch places. The first soul has gone as far as it can in its development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken its place will serve in a different capacity than before. Normally, permission has been granted in order for this to take place. Another way to call the experience is soul transference.
Q: How do I know if it has happened to me?
A. You usually feel totally different. You will not necessarily recognize the people around you. You may have lapses of memory of the other occupant and will not be able to recognize the reason you came. It is usually quite a shock to the body especially if this has happened due to a car accident, operation, or a very long illness. You will feel somewhat estranged from everyone around you though you retain the memories of your body’s past history. After all, you are a totally different entity.
Q: What happens to the other soul?
A. The other soul continues on its journey, either to be together with a loved one or be sent to another place to continue learning. They will at this point in time not be back here.
When the individuated, embodied part of Spirit, the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in alifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal (Reincarnation-in-Same-Body), die, or walk out. If the Soul chooses to walk out, an agreement is made with another Soul to walk-in and continue the embodiment. This is not possession. It is not a requirement that a person be a walk-in to ascend. It is simply an individual agreement and another way of entering onto the planet.
The walk-in experience is so very individual that it’s difficult to give a definitive description. Here is an overview of possible experiences.
Usually, there is a “try-on” period of a few days or weeks or months when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time.
The new Soul is getting the feel of the body. Remember, some beings coming in have never been in physical bodies and may need to get the feel of being so densified. The new Soul is also reviewing the DNA encodements and the existing energy patterns stored in all of the bodies and deciding what to keep or release.
Sometimes, right before a walk-in, the personality may feel a sense of completion with the lifetime. This may manifest as extreme fatigue, severe depression, or suicidal feelings. This is the personality’s way of interpreting that a transfer is about to occur.
The personality may or may not be conscious during the actual walk-in. If unconscious, the transfer often occurs during a deep trance or sleep state. On occasion, the Soul chooses to manifest trauma to the body such as: accident, illness, coma, concussion, or emotional shock.
This allows the new Soul to more quickly integrate to a deeper level. Because all of the body’s systems are disrupted from the habitual patterns by trauma they are, therefore, more receptive to the new Soul.
In the past, this was the most common route the two Souls would undertake for the transfer of energy.
Now, the walk-in process is somewhat easier for several reasons. Everyone on the planet has begun the Lightbody mutation. For a walk-in, this means that the physical body is better able to accept a new energy at the cellular level and the personality can adapt to a new identity. Also, now there are support systems and integration services for walk-ins so the rationale of changing through trauma is unnecessary. More and more walk-ins are fully conscious through the whole transfer.
At the time of the walk-in, the old spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are released with the original occupant and the new spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are attached to the physical one. New patterns and emotions are brought into the etheric blueprint bodies and some old patterns are released. The etheric and physical bodies are what keep some continuity.
The overall feeling for the previous life experiences is one of neutrality. Most walk-ins retain life facts without emotional attachments. Memories of the previous Soul’s experiences are much like watching a movie with the emotional sound turned off. This neutrality often means a feeling of detachment from emotionally significant people such as: mate, children, parents, and friends. The old issues, unresolved situations and personal difficulties of the previous incarnee are often easy for the new walk-in to handle. They are likely to leave the unsatisfying marriage or unfulfilling job that the previous occupant could not resolve.
Much to the dismay of the people around them, a new walk-in often goes through strong changes in personality. The personality is completely malleable at this time and the new soul tries on new character traits until a good combination to serve the new life goal is found. Also, changes in personal preferences are common such as liking different foods, colors, clothes and lifestyle than the original occupant.
A new walk-in is like a newborn baby. Because the emotional and mental bodies are “new”, they have not yet been imprinted from the environment. Like a baby, a walk-in is a sponge for the emotions, traits and beliefs of the people around them. It is vitally important that a new walk-in choose carefully the people they spend time with for they will be imprinted with those people’s qualities and biases, good and bad.
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The most difficult situation for a new walk-in is to be around people who pull on them to be or be like the previous incarnee. This can be very tough because those people were usually emotionally significant to the previous soul, i.e., mate, parents, family and friends. They may not realize or believe that a transfer of Souls has occurred. When these well-meaning people project their emotions and pictures of the old occupant on to a walk-in, an overlay of the old energy called “ghosting” occurs in the new energy bodies. Clairvoyantly, it looks like a double image. This is so stressful to the physical body and personality that the walk-in may become ill or feel quite crazy.
The bottom line in the process of the integration is the physical body. Most of the body’s consciousness has nothing in its cellular memory banks for the walk-in experience except, “I’m dying.” If the body strongly believes that it is dying, it may begin to shut down the entire system. Also, the body may reject the new Soul at a cellular level, much like it can reject a new heart or liver. This usually manifests as rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and the pain, swelling and inflammation can be sudden and severe. In extreme cases, partial paralysis can occur.
The other common manifestation of body rejection is severe allergic reactions to food, soaps, clothes, plants, household cleansers, the environment, and yourself. Sometimes, usually in the very beginning, a new walk-in may have epilepsy-like seizures as the brain waves and electromagnetic functions of the brain change.
Often, a walk-in experiences psychic or multi-dimensional openings as the 7th (Crown) chakra is usually stuck open from the transfer. Sudden opening may make a person feel crazy, disoriented or spacey. They may be channeling constantly and have some difficulty knowing their own energy. As strange as it may seem, it is really helpful for a new walk-in to wear hats to protect their crown chakra.
Like a child, there is often an innate spirituality to a walk-in. This spirituality assists in the integration process as a person may turn to prayer or meditation to sort out all of the “Who am I?” questions and give the body a rest.
Most physical and personality symptoms of rejection and disorientation pass very quickly with a little integration. But the process of releasing the dysfunctionality and obsolete pictures of reality of the previous occupant may take years. Strong grief states are common as the body releases these old energies. The trick is not to resist and express the grief fully as it comes up. Then it seems to pass quickly.

Most walk-ins have a new life goal and bring with them new skills and abilities to assist them in accomplishing it. Also, usually an embodiment is chosen that has skills the new soul can use toward their mission.
If a walk-in was unconscious, there is usually the feeling, “I have something very important to accomplish—if only I could remember what it is.” As frustrating as this feeling can be, having a veil over the life goal for a year or so can be a blessing. It allows time for integration of the body, personality, and the lifetime.
When a walk-in is a fully conscious one, he or she often hits the ground running, so to speak. Usually, the veil over the live work is not present so they may not take the time to integrate the body. Often, “burnout” occurs and they may become sick at about the one-year point.
Some walk-ins never know what really happened—just that they went through a dramatic life change. The range of awareness spans across the board. Some Souls may just have a major karma that they wish to complete. Others, perhaps coming in from other dimensions or universes, may be here to assist in this planet’s transition to Light. There are many reasons for a Soul to walk-in but the main one is that it is usually quicker to integrate a new Soul into a new body than it is to grow a body from scratch.
Each walk-in experience has its own unique qualities. A person may experience all, part, or none of the things described here.
The one thing that walk-ins have found necessary is to be very gentle with their physical bodies. The body is not a vehicle but a co-creative partner in our life experiences. It takes time for the physical body to work through feelings of dying, rejection, abandonment and grief. But when the body consciousness understands that the walk-in Soul consciously chose this body, loves this body, and is willing to work as a partner with this body, then miracles can happen.
Within the first three years it is an asset for all walk-ins to have some integration assistance.
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