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The Awakening Of The Sacred Masculine Heart

By on May 13, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

The Awakening Of The Sacred Masculine Heart

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by Gabriel Heartman,
Contributing Writer,

Awakening. That word elicits so many different responses from so many people. We know it is becoming aware of what we have been conditioned to believe as True. We have chosen to fall asleep to our infinite power. We squirreled it away somewhere so we can learn new experiences while on the way to remembering. For some that path has been laid out with some pretty intense crucibles and circumstances. All that were chosen by us to serve something in us that we just can’t seem to see yet. But then one day that just changes and life as you once knew it, no longer holds the storyline that was attached to it. YOU just popped a stitch and the pants no longer fit or even make sense to wear anymore.


You are now seeing and feeling life differently. Maybe you have been on a journey already and all of a sudden there is another moment of awareness that presences itself and you find yourself in need of something more still. No matter where we are on this evolution of consciousness, there is always MORE to live into. We are not static beings. We need to keep growing, keep deepening, and keep widening our field and experience of love. There are so many energies that we have available to us, withIN us, that can lend us the support necessary to guide us to our next places. But sometimes those voices can be muted or even blocked by an energy inside of us that is protecting us from that MORE. We cannot see that ourselves because we are not able to. Maybe even not meant to. We are drawn to circumstances and people that can mirror this to us. Our Higher Self is working overtime with patient persistence.

There seems to be a difference between women and men when it comes to recognizing when a certain timeline is just done with them. It is not that more women are awakening, as it is they are just making choices that support that awakening. They reach a tipping point sooner and seem to search for those that they feel can trust to begin this diffusion from the suffering. This doesn’t mean they don’t have resistances, they are just more willing to make that first step.

The spirituality side of awakening feels lushly inhabited by both genders with all kinds of access points to our Divine and Cosmic energy. Knowledge of ancient teachings, scientific discoveries, and powerful intuitions and downloads. It is all a part of our human experience. But then there is the emotional side of awakening. The one that is inextricably tied to our human heart. It is the center of what it means to be alive and human. Not just spirit only. There are so many examples of spiritual leaders that have deeply painful emotional existences. This has a huge affect on those they are leading and serving. There is an integrity of heart and soul bigness that qualifies our Sacred Humanity.

The human heart is a grand frontier too! So much of our ability to experience a rich celestial life is found in our ability to experience a rich emotional life. This is found with a YOU to YOU phase of independence and watering your own self-worth. But as that fills up it naturally wants to find its way to others through service and sacred romance. Those that have been serving may need a time of going in to feel their human heart again. A time in which the only service is to YOU and you alone. Or there is a time when a need for community and growth relationship is next on your spiritual docket. It is all evident in where you feel stuck, paused, or ready to rock and roll.

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To get back to the gender aspect, I feel that it is the domain of the vulnerable heart where men have found themselves in a status or frozen state. A lot happening in the soul domain but his heart has been sequestered for the fear of feeling all there is to feel. This holds true for all of us, but again more women are taking that first step into integrate BOTH the heart AND the soul into one clear expression of sacred human femininity. The reality is, is that they are more spring-loaded for it. They are more adept at the terrain of the winding winds of emotion. And this feels like what will spark the heart of Man to go into what he needs to to match the growing tide of awakening women.

This does not make Man less than. There is a LOT in our collective that we are working through in our own personal hearts. As one man begins the journey toward emotional healing, it paves the way for others. It affects the collective archetype and it begins to shift into a new arena of what sacred masculinity might look and feel like. But it takes the desire to want something different and MORE. To acknowledge that there are parts of us that are not in health and need healing because we can just feel it. I believe men have been hugely affected by the journey into 3D but it IS what we signed up for. Our next Hero’s quest is that of the heart. To stand in our own power and self-worth. To arise again into our Kingly stature and call to our counterpart Queen who is waiting for our arrival. Together we take our bodies and souls with us into the New Golden Earth that is awaiting our full return and remembrance.


Gabriel Heartman is a teacher, men’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about spaceholding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

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