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The Four Agreements

By on February 16, 2015 in Awareness

The Four Agreements

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I can’t recommend this book enough! Please take the time to check this out if you haven’t already. Even if you’ve read the book, I have included a lot of additional information that is worth checking out.

Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements was published in 1997. For many, The Four Agreements is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the native people of Southern Mexico.


The Toltec were ‘people of knowledge’ – scientists and artists who created a society to explore and conserve the traditional spiritual knowledge and practices of their ancestors. The Toltec viewed science and spirit as part of the same entity, believing that all energy – material or ethereal – is derived from and governed by the universe.

Don Miguel Ruiz, born and raised in rural Mexico, was brought up to follow his family’s Toltec ways by his mother, a Toltec faith healer, and grandfather, a Toltec ‘nagual’, a shaman. Despite this, Don Miguel decided to pursue a conventional education, which led him to qualify and practice for several years as a surgeon.

Following a car crash, Don Miguel Ruiz reverted to his Toltec roots during the late 1970’s, first studying and learning in depth the Toltec ways, and then healing, teaching, lecturing and writing during the 1980’s and 90’s, when he wrote The Four Agreements (published in 1997), The Mastery of Love (1999), The Four Agreements Companion Book (2000), and Prayers (2001).

Don Miguel Ruiz survived a serious heart attack 2002, since when his teachings have been largely channeled through seminars and classes run by his followers, notably his sons Don Jose Luis and Don Miguel Ruiz Junior. Like many gurus and philosophical pioneers, Ruiz has to an extent packaged, promoted and commercialized his work, nevertheless the simplicity and elegance of his thinking remains a source of great enlightenment and aspiration. The simple ideas of The Four Agreements provide an inspirational code for life; a personal development model, and a template for personal development, behavior, communications and relationships.

Below: A Live Webcast with Don Miguel Ruiz and HeatherAsh Amar.


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Below: Don Miguel Ruiz is interviewed by Bradley Quick about 2012 to take what he sees as a date that means nothing in and of itself but that we as collective consciousness can use time to make a new agreement to care for this world and each and regain our sanity of a species.

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