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The Secret Behind The Magic Of Christmas

By on December 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The Secret Behind The Magic Of Christmas

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by Becky Rozanski,
Contributing Writer,

Would you love to feel that special spirit of Christmas peace and joy all year round?


I listened to one of Marianne Williamson’s lectures this morning exploring the principles of A Course in Miraclesir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1&camp=1789 and she opened my eyes to a new way of understanding the magic of Christmas.

I realised that the birth of Christ is actually symbolic of our own rebirth as we awaken to the Christ Consciousness within each us. At Christmas we connect with the part of ourselves that knows of our higher calling and connection to the divine, that speaks to our true nature of unconditional love, the part of us that that knows peace on earth is possible. It starts by seeing the light within ourselves, loving and accepting ourselves fully, embracing the joy of the present moment and being a source of good will to others – the true human spirit that Christmas naturally ignites within us.

Why does Christmas feel so good? Because it is our true nature to give, to be kind and give thanks; it is our true nature to come together with love in our heart, to see the world through a child’s eyes and see the magic and possibility that life has to offer. We choose to experience this reality at Christmas, it is not Christmas that gives us this spirit but rather our expression of true human spirit that we give to Christmas. As we connect with our true essence and radiate peace, love and joy, we light up the season with magic. We have this power in any moment and I believe it is possible to extend this feeling and experience of life beyond the holiday season.

Continue to nurture the love you have for yourself, your connection with the divine source and all other beings on earth. Continue to be your true self and do what feels good to you. Continue to show love, compassion and understanding to others in any small way you can because an act of kindness is never small, its effects ripple on for eternity.

I wrote about the magic of Christmas in my very first blog last year and I wanted to share with you again here the poem I wrote as it sums up what Christmas means to me…

What Christmas means to me

Christmas to me means togetherness.


It is that warm feeling in your heart, as bright as the open fire.

It is the joy of bringing a smile to someone’s face with a simple “Merry Christmas”.

It is the sound of children’s laughter outside, as they play with their favourite toy from Santa.

It is the smell of festive food filling up the home, cooked with love to feed the soul.

It is the celebration of hope for a peaceful world, where we act from love and share with all.

It is the glimpse into our natural heart as the choir sings and we share a smile.

It is the candle light that lights up the night sky with wonder.

It is the graceful fall of the single snowflake that holds the entire world within its simple beauty.

It is the desire to give from our heart, and to find it within our heart to forgive.

It is the part of us all that loves joy, peace and laughter,

drawn together to share this special moment.

It is the child within each of us, reminding us of what life is really all about,

telling us that everything is ok.

Christmas to me means faith in each of us to love and be loved,

to cherish our beautiful life and those we share it with.

May the magic of Christmas stay with us as we step into our New Year and beyond!

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I decided to use The Conversations With God Divine Wisdom Cards by Neale Donald Walschir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0399166998 to bring us our message and blessing for today, the card I pulled reads…

“Your mind is right now filled with old thoughts. Not only old thoughts, but mostly someone else’s old thoughts. It’s important no, it’s time now, to change your mind about some things. This is what evolution is all about.”

At this time of the full moon it is the perfect time to let go of old thoughts that are holding you back from being the full expression of who you truly are. Whatever first comes to mind for you of an old thought that is weighing you down and keeping you stuck, if you feel ready, choose to let it go now. Prayers can be really helpful with this and you may choose to say…

“Dear God/Jesus/Angels/Divine/Higher Power (whatever term you are comfortable or familiar with), please take from me today all limiting beliefs and old thought patterns that no longer serve me, help me to let go of the burdens I have been carrying and instead fill me with divine light as I choose to enjoy a peaceful Christmas with an open heart and mind. Thank you”

Christmas can be a time of deep emotion for some people, it may remind us of loved ones passed, it can bring up painful memories or it reveals the true part of ourselves that we realize we don’t always honor in the busyness of everyday life. Whatever Christmas means to you and however you choose to spend it, try and take even a brief moment in this busy period to be silent and connect with the divine source within yourself, know that you are always protected, loved and whole and choose to be in any moment what your heart guides you to be.

I pray for a merry and peaceful Christmas for each of us and may we continue to share the love, laughter and community spirit in our everyday lives one moment at a time.

Namaste x

About the author: Becky Rozanski is an Angelic Reiki Master passionate about helping people connect with their true self and live life to its fullest potential and purpose. Becky is currently working on writing her first book about her path to peace through spiritual awakening. You can find out more about Becky and her work at, read her blogs at or follow her on Twitter @NaturalHeartBR

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