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Tag: Christ Consciousness

Energy Update – Mega Heart Expansion In Progress

Energy Update – Mega Heart Expansion In Progress

By on June 6, 2019 in Energy Updates with 0 Comments

by Kim Semetis,Contributing Writer, Energy Update – Mega Heart Expansion In Progress After many days of releasing density, emotions, wounds from all planes of existence we have now entered the phase of mega heart expansion. All feels lighter once again after such a huge release. Last week, nothing seemed possible, all felt heavy, loneliness […]

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With Each Step Of The Light Ladder

With Each Step Of The Light Ladder

By on June 4, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Paul Dobree-Carey, Contributing Writer, With Each Step Of The Light Ladder With each step of the Light Ladder you take, you expand your awareness and understanding into each vibration of Light Frequency. It becomes part of who YOU already are as your Soul Signature of Light Quotient. For YOU are already present in […]

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Unity Consciousness – Metaphysical-Historical Perspectives

Unity Consciousness – Metaphysical-Historical Perspectives

By on April 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

STORIES OF LIES AND DECEPTION,  Part II of IV by Angel V. Ornedo Jr. Contributing Writer, ANUNNAKI   STORIES  IN STONE TABLETS  GOES ON You have learned in the first part about the olden civilizations  and the ‘Earth Chronicles’ of  Zecharia Sitchin  details how the Anunnaki  lived on earth, from the former ruler of Nibiru-Alalu to […]

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Introduction Of  Historical But Metaphysical Perspectives

Introduction Of Historical But Metaphysical Perspectives

By on April 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer, Twenty five years ago,  I had full interest on anthropological and archaeological reports and writings of different authors as a result of my junior-senior high subjects memories on world history  in 1960-62 years that emphasized the Egyptian Pharaonic period and that of a certain God Ra who lived […]

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Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings

By on April 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark beings for a million years. The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire and need for their planets.

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ENERGY UPDATE – What Is It That Needs To Be Changed?

ENERGY UPDATE – What Is It That Needs To Be Changed?

By on March 27, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Is there some-‘thing’ you have been ‘doing’, thinking, feeling or ‘going along with, ‘that needs to be changed? So much has happened from the last Equinox energetically. And we are still in a process and integration with this as far as, there was ‘something’ that we were ‘doing’ or along […]

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The True Meaning Of Duality

The True Meaning Of Duality

By on March 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer, Have you ever wondered why we’re all here? Or why ‘duality’ was so important for us to experience? Well, here’s the reason why we came here and what we’re ultimately trying to accomplish! Before we came on this long journey through duality we came from a state of oneness and […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Adjusting To New Energy

ENERGY UPDATE – Adjusting To New Energy

By on March 22, 2017 in Energy Updates

With the recent Equinox energies, has come a very long awaited for shift of Gaia into 5D Christ Consciousness energy – that is in a settling in/transition phase/process.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Humanity And Gaia Shifting Into 5D Christ Consciousness

ENERGY UPDATE – Humanity And Gaia Shifting Into 5D Christ Consciousness

By on March 11, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, PART 4: CLOSING A ‘GROUP OF DOOR OF DOORS – MULTIFACETED LAYERS WITHIN THIS – ABOVE AND BELOW We are in a process of feeling: Anger, resentment, sadness, grief so on – a range of emotions = from a bulk of ‘old’ doors all open at once. Of usually a […]

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Light Is Life, Energy And Information

Light Is Life, Energy And Information

By on February 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

We have understood and remembered light is more than electricity generation, it is life provider and information.  It is a mode of knowing what has been known before as there is nothing new in the universe and without it you do not exist. It is the language of the crystalline light beings.

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The Secret Behind The Magic Of Christmas

The Secret Behind The Magic Of Christmas

By on December 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Becky Rozanski, Contributing Writer, Would you love to feel that special spirit of Christmas peace and joy all year round? I listened to one of Marianne Williamson’s lectures this morning exploring the principles of A Course in Miracles and she opened my eyes to a new way of understanding the magic of Christmas. I realised that the birth […]

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Are You In The Starseed Trap?

Are You In The Starseed Trap?

By on December 22, 2016 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

You may already have heard that 5th and 7th densities of consciousness have been hijacked and that a False Ascension Matrix exists at 5D, but did you know that there’s another, stronger false reality matrix at the next level, just waiting to trap the unwary spiritual pilgrim on his or her journey home?

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The Current Spiritual Shift From A Scientific Perspective

The Current Spiritual Shift From A Scientific Perspective

By on December 9, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Prism Pantaz, Contributing Writer, So here I am, a man who considers himself quite scientific, about to try to explain the current spiritual shift from a scientific perspective. A little background… By about age 27, I had adopted an extremely scientific worldview. I had written off previous spiritual experiences as phenomena of the brain. […]

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The Secret Story Never Told

The Secret Story Never Told

By on November 19, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Writer’s name withheld by request, It’s been hidden from mankind forever and great lengths are still taken to keep it hidden from us. This is the story of a journey that something inside of your body makes every month. And once this happens to you, awareness, and comprehension are increased a thousand fold. This […]

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True Freedom – Letting It All Go

True Freedom – Letting It All Go

By on September 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kara Schallock, Life is as simple or as complicated as we want it to be. If we choose simple, we let go of all we are attached to; all we think we know and become an empty vessel. In this Emptiness, we get to the core of us and that is Love. There is […]

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