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The Treasure Within You

By on April 18, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

The Treasure Within You

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by Amina Rodriguez,
Contributing Writer,

The treasure you seek lies within you. You just have to dig a little, patiently brushing the dust off some things within yourself and then all of a sudden there it is. The genuine gem of what you actually are suddenly becomes clear to you and then that is when all the treasures within you truly begin to manifest outwardly into your life. And that was just the beginning; you are infinite potential only limited by your own mind. This is the purpose of meditation and what it means to find yourself and your own truth. There is no judgement for not having some particular formal method of meditation in your life. You do what you can and when you can, whatever leads you within in any way that brings you joy and peace.


We are all our own best gurus. We can always use the guidance of teachers. But throughout our lives we are all both students and teachers and we eventually become our own greatest teachers. Our hearts and our minds in balance generate a genuine wisdom in our lives. Knowledge of who we are and following our inner guidance system which is linked to all of nature will help us evolve. Our bodies are already quite wise and if we take good care of them and give them the love, acceptance and care they need they will serve us well and assist with our inner development. The human vehicle is highly intelligent and is highly obedient to the mind. Which is why when we become conscious of our thoughts by being in the present always, so that our minds give the body and the universe the correct orders, everything changes. This is why we go within, it’s not always easy but it is so worth it.

True joy comes with knowing who we truly are. True peace comes with knowing who you truly are. All answers lie in knowing thyself and then the ego wants to identify with that knowing as well. It’s like a little game you play, catching it and reprogramming it. Teaching your ego not to hold on to ideas and conclusions of truth to give itself importance because eventually it becomes to you only just a tool you use like a computer. But there is no need for self-judgement because this is simply part of being human and it is how we learn. True intelligence comes from within you from our Source not the brain or the ego; those are only tools assisting in the process of evolution. Very useful but they are not who or what we are. We are the Source that created them. When you realize what you truly are you can barely contain your happiness.

Of course we will forget and remember and forget and remember once again until it finally sinks in and then we will forget less often and for shorter periods of time. So we do whatever works in whatever way comes naturally. This is my own experience and this writing is my own reminder. Once you know deep within your cells as you spend time within yourself, it becomes easier to remember who and what you are regardless of surrounding circumstances. This is the natural process of our human evolution, finding the treasure within us that will lead us to freedom.

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Amina RodriguezAbout the author: I am rediscovering myself in my 40’s and learning to align myself to the flow of nature. I spend as much time as possible out in nature grounding myself to mother earth who has been my main therapist, healer and comforter. I love taking pictures of birds and trees, I write poetry and I am in the early stages of writing a book about my journey within. I have simplified my life as much as possible so that I can focus on my own evolution in the hopes that I can assist in the much needed shift towards a more balanced humanity.

I am a mother of three remarkable young adults. Thanks to the influence of my daughter I became fully vegan and I am healthier than I have ever been as a result. I have a BA in Psychology from Florida International University but my most important education has come from trees. I am a contributor at Return to MAGO E*Magazine, Magoism, the Way of WE in S/HE (

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