This Is How The Controllers Are Engineering A Fake Apocalypse
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
With all of the recent news, it has become evident that the engineered apocalypse is about to occur.
As the Age of Pisces comes to an end, Pope Benedict stepped down from his rule. This is the first time in over 600 years that a pope has resigned. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, a new energy takes over, so right on schedule, the Roman Catholic Church will announce the presence of extraterrestrial beings.
Contrary to what many think, Aquarius is an air sign and is not a water sign. For the past 2,000+ years (2,160 to be exact), we have been in the age of Pisces, which is represented by the two fish. This is why you see the “Jesus fish” on bumper stickers. Now that we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, a new sign will become prominent. While Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is possible that the new sign of religion will be water related, it is also possible that it could be “air” related, as in the announcement of extraterrestrial visitors.
The Roman Catholic Church’s name has been synonymous with pedophilia for many, many years and they always handle these cases internally which indicates how they have been holding back information from the public for as long as they have been around.
This is done in order to keep the masses subservient and controlled through conformity.
Government Plans Zombie UFO Exercise
In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a zombie preparedness article on their website, stating that it was a “tongue in cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages”
In Moscow, Idaho on Saturday April 27th, 2013, FEMA ran a “Zombie UFO Crash Disaster Full-Scale Exercise” entailing the following:
There are 2 scenarios: mass casualty and a rope rescue. All Latah Co first responders and nearby counties will be participating. CERT will be assisting in the EOC and other duties as deemed necessary. (source:
It is no coincidence that this training is happening in Moscow, Idaho, nor is it a coincidence that the “All Latah Co” forms the work “Allah”.
It appears that the tongue has moved away from the cheek…
The Vatican’s Telescope, L.U.C.I.F.E.R.
The following is an excerpt from The Misunderstood Lucifer:
It is interesting how the Roman Catholic Church owns some of the world’s most powerful telescopes. One has to ask themselves, “Why?” One particular telescope is called L.U.C.I.F.E.R. located at the Mount Graham Observatory and is an acronym for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research”. Surely, they know this is not a coincidence.
Speculation infers that the Vatican has these high powered telescopes to monitor biblical warnings such as “Wormwood” aka Nibiru or Planet X:“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10, 11 – King James Bible).
Another possibility is that the Vatican is monitoring extraterrestrial activity and has already made ET contact hundreds of years ago, which may explain the religious belief in “God”, who in the religious texts may be an extraterrestrial and not the ultimate Source or Creator.
The Roman Catholic Church is also the holder of many Mayan texts that were returned to them after the Spanish Inquisition as a payoff. Upon hiring a team of mathematicians, the Roman Catholic Church decoded these texts and have known of the Mayan calendar’s end date of December 21, 2012 for many, many years. Perhaps they are afraid of the return of Quetzalcoatl / Kulkulkan?
Television “programming” has been setting the stage for alien visitation and “end of the world” scenarios through commercials, television programs and theater productions.
Is The Last Card About To Be Played?
In 1974, Dr. Carol Rosin was told about a series of events that will happen in the near future by Dr. Wernher Von Braun, all of which will be based on lies.
The ‘Last Card’ that remains is an extraterrestrial invasion.
Rosin was warned by von Braun about the weaponization of space through her professional relationship with the ex-Nazi scientist. While on his death bed, von Braun confided to Rosin about the following external threats that would be created as a false flag by the United States government:
“They’re inventing enemies he (von Braun) said, against whom they are going to buildthis space-based weapon system—the first of whom was the Russians which was existing at that time. Then there would be terrorists, then there would be third world countries, now we call them rogue nations or nations of concern. Then there would be asteroids. And then he would repeat to me over and over ‘and the last card, the last, the last card would be the extraterrestrial threat’…you will find that there is going to be a spin to find some enemy against whom we have to build space based weapons and now we should expect the spin.”
Also see: Is The Last Card About To Be Played?
How Long Has The Church Known About This?
According to Tom Horn’s research, evangelical protestants predicted between the 1700-1800’s that between 2012 and 2016, the end time would come, the false prophet would appear, the Antichrist would arise and the fall of Rome would occur.
Is it possible that these evangelical protestants knew something about astronomy and astrotheology? More specifically, did they know that how the end of Pisces would usher in a new energy of Aquarius where religion would come to an end during these dates?
Is it possible that the false prophet is the Pope and the Antichrist isn’t necessarily a person, but an organization such as the Roman Catholic Church? Think about it. How many people have died in the name of “God” through the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades? For the record, the Crusades never ended. What all-loving Creator would approve of such hostility toward another human being?
For those of us who study astrology and astrotheology, these events are not surprising and are happening right on cue.
Were the Native American Indians Right? Is Kulkulkan/Quetzalcoatl Going To Return To Earth?
According to Maya legend, the Maya were visited by a robed Caucasian man with blond hair, blue eyes and a beard by the name of Kulkulkan, also know by the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl, who taught the Maya about agriculture, medicine, mathematics and astronomy.
Excerpt from: Was Quetzalcoatl an ET from the Pleiades?
” Quetzalcoatl warned the Maya of another bearded white man who would not only conquer the indigenous people of Central America, but would also enforce a new religion upon them before he was to return. Despite the warning, the Maya mistakenly welcomed the invading Cortes as Quetzalcoatl.
According to the prophecies in the Book of Chilam Balam, the Maya were warned about the tyranny of a white-ruling culture but were also promised a return of glory when a new religion would bring the world back into harmony.”
Why were the Maya presented with advanced information on science, mathematics and calendar systems? Why did Quetzalcoatl promise his return and when will that be?
Accordingly, one of the stars in the Pleiades is called, “Maia” and means “illusion”. Is it possible that Quetzalcoatl is (or was) an extraterrestrial from Maia in the Pleiades?
Is it possible that the end date of the Mayan calendar was pointing to the return of Quetzalcoatl? If so, is he here now?
Crop Circle Shows The Return Of The Sumerian God(s)
A crop circle was encoded to reveal a message of Ea Enki, who is a God of Sumerian (Enki) and Babylonian (Ea) mythology. A band of southern constellations refer to his name, the stars of Ea. E-A, in Sumerian, means ‘the house of water’ which can also be inferred to as the ‘House of Aquarius‘, the approaching age.
Read more: Anunnaki Message? The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Marduk
In the above cylinder seal from 2340-2180 B.C., Sumerian god Enki is seated on his throne with two streams of water erupting from his shoulders. A captured ‘Zu-bird’ is led before him for an alleged judgment and execution of sentence. Notice the size of the seated Enki.
Stan Deyo talks about how the current buzzwords in the Pentagon are that the “Sumerian gods are returning”:
Stan Deyo: “A number of things that…uh… I’ve heard uh…from people in the Pentagon, that the buzz word in the secret of secrets in the Pentagon is ‘The Sumerian gods are returning.’ And that’s what they’re referring to, that whole area that Dr. Peters (unclear) is…”
Male Interviewer: Wow!Female Interviewer: Could you repeat that again just in case somebody missed it? The special word that…
Deyo: In the Pentagon, you know the military circles that are in the know about the cover-up here; um… they kind of, in whisper tones, talk about the return of the Sumerian gods. And they’re talking about what we would call Aliens or Fallen Angels returning into the Middle East, into the old Sumer area.”
Male Interviewer: The Anunnaki.
Deyo: Yeah, it could be.
Michael Tellinger stated:
“The Bible, written after the flood, to justify Enlil, hides that he failed to drown the slave race. “The Bible was Enlil’s propaganda and indoctrination. Enlil realized that the only way to control humanity was with absolute power, control and fear, strong-handed, dictatorial tactics. Enlil would be their god, ruling them through intimidate, fear bloodthirsty violence. But he rewarded them for loyalty and obedience for complying with his commands.”
[Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth, pages 230, 377]Donate to In5D
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Extraterrestrials In The Bible
In the following presentation, Jordan Maxwell shows how the Elohim may have been the “God” or “Gods” in the bible and how they intermingled with terrestrial women to create hybrid offspring.
Maxwell also mentions how God told Adam and Eve to “multiply and replenish the earth”. The key word is replenish, implying, “do it again”. Maxwell stated, “The rabbis will tell you that what is being said in Genesis 1 and 2 and in 1:28 is that God is recreating all over again. Consequently, the Old Testament is a story for this dispensation… this time the world is being recreated.”
Is The Reset Button About To Be Pushed?
As the above video by Jordan Maxwell reveals, the biblical story of the Old Testament is about the recreation of society.
According to Ivan Stein’s research in Timeline 2012, the Earth goes through an Ice Age every 103,000 years, as evidenced by the carbon dating of ice core samples dating back 400,000 years from the Antarctic. Stein’s research indicated that we go into an Ice Age for about 90,000 years and come out of it for the last 10-20,000 years. Stein estimates that we probably came out of the Ice Age approximately 13,000 years ago, which parallels the precession of the equinoxes, which we are currently concluding. He added that the current habitable period most likely started about 20,000 years ago, but it wasn’t until the last 13,000 years or so until the planet was warm enough for human life.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd Accounting of the Hollow Earth
On February 19, 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd left Base Camp Artic and flew northward.
What happened on that flight?
For years rumors have persisted that on his historic flight to the North Pole, Admiral Byrd flew beyond the Pole into an opening leading inside the Earth. Here he met with advanced beings who had a sobering message for him to deliver to Mankind an the Surface World.
Upon Byrd’s return to Washington, on March 11, 1947 he was interviewed intently by top security forces and a medical team. He was placed under strict control and ordered to remain silent on the behalf of humanity. Being a military man, he felt he had to comply.
Here, from Admiral Byrd’s secret log and diary, is the message meant to have been heard 45 years ago!
Excerpt of The Hollow Earth:
“During his Arctic flight of 1,700 miles BEYOND the North Pole he reported by radio that he saw below him, not ice and snow, but land areas consisting of mountains, forests, green vegetation, lakes and rivers, and in the underbrush saw a strange animal resembling the mammoth….“
Also see: Agartha – The Hollow Inner Earth
Many earth changes are happening at unprecedented rates, such as massive earthquakes, sinkholes, land cracks, tsunamis, mass animal die offs and even a meteor strike. They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. What have we learned during this past cycle?
More importantly, what do those in power already know? All across the planet, there are numerous underground bunkers built to preserve the most wealthiest and prominent people on the planet, many of whom are responsible for the degradation of this planet.
Is this a perpetual cycle that occurs every 26,000 or 103,000 years? How many times have we done this before with the same exact script?
Our Extraterrestrial DNA Lineage
It is commonly known that those who are considered as “the powers that be” (TPTB) are being controlled by a small, unseen group of people behind the scenes. Is it possible that those who are controlling TPTB are not from this planet?
Who, exactly, IS the “all seeing eye” at the top of the pyramid?
If you look at the lineage of mankind, it becomes easy to deduce that we did not all come from “Adam and Eve”. It is impossible for numerous blood types (A, B, AB and O) to come from two people. Additionally, one must question the differences between Rh values (positive and negative) along with the numerous “races” we have on this planet.
There are 4 possible scenarios that can explain this.
- We were seeded here as a galactic experiment by various galactic nations (e.g., the origins of our ethnicity, Caucasion, Black, Asian, Hispanic, etc…). This would explain the differences in blood types and Rh values.
- As per Zecharia Sitchin, our DNA was manipulated by the Anunnaki.
- Extraterrestrials, such as the Elohim or Anunnaki, had sex with women indigenous of this planet.
- A combination of all of the above.
If, in essence, we are ALL extraterrestrials, is it possible that the church knew about the return of our ancestors?
Pluto is in Capricorn from 2008 until 2023. The last time this occurred was in 1776, during the American Revolution. Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and it tears down everything that is bad so it can be replaced with that which is good. Is it any wonder that religion is taking a huge hit right now or how many countries are having (or are undergoing the process of) revolutions?
Also see: Pluto In Capricorn’s Huge Changes Are Upon Us!
Will The Aliens or Extraterrestrials Be Saviors Or Deceivers?
The church has hidden esoteric knowledge for many years so why should we believe what they say about anything? The Roman Catholic Church is the wealthiest organization on the planet and has enough money to feed, clothe and shelter every person on this planet. So one must ask, “Why is there starvation and homelessness?”
The church has told us to follow their texts for hundreds of years and now, they appear to be on the verge of changing everything? Just like their numerous cases of pedophilia, many of these people are corrupt beyond imagination and will resort to anything in order to maintain their illusion of power.
We already know, from numerous testimonials from high ranking retired military officials through the UFO Disclosure Project, that there are many extraterrestrials watching over our planet and are protecting us through the disabling of nuclear weapons. If these ET’s are benevolent, then is it possible that our governments, in conjunction with religious leaders, will stage a fake alien invasion?
Numerous whistleblowers have stated how we already have the technology to create our own “UFOs” through the reverse engineering of crashed ET UFOs. If our world leaders in government and religion knew that benevolent beings were going to arrive (or return) at a certain point in time, would it make sense for these world leaders to stage a false flag alien invasion to create a fear of extraterrestrials before the benevolent ETs arrive?
Ask Yourself This
Christians need to ask themselves the following: The New Testament was written many years after the alleged birth of Jesus. Why didn’t anyone ever write about him when he was alive? Granted that people were illiterate back then but surely someone could have drawn a picture of one of his many miracles.
Right now, we are seeing the Pope “retire” and can be assured that the next Pope will be named “Peter” in order to fulfill Malachy’s Prophecy, which states that Pope Peter will be the last Pope when Revelations begins.
St. Malachy wrote the following regarding the 112th Pope:
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
UPDATE!!! As it turns out, the interim Pope’s name is “Tarcisio Pietro Bertone”. Pietro is Italian for “Peter”. Tarcisio is an anagram for Iscariot, better known as JUDAS Icariot. If something happens to the current pope, then Bertone would take over. According to Malachy’s pro[phecy, Peter will be the LAST pope. Time will tell.
Is it possible that the New Testament was written as an encrypted, astrotheological guideline and time-frame for the beginning and end of Age of Pisces?
If so, then is it possible that the “Apocalypse” is an engineered event?
Everything that is happening right now is happening right on cue and it’s nothing to fear. It all has to collapse so it can be rebuilt in the best interests in humanity.
Leave your comments below!
Sending you all infinite Love & Light,
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Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, Telegram, In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./
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