Tag: Pope
The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray
For thousands of years, our spiritual and physical capabilities have been limited through the genetic manipulation of our DNA by the Anunnaki. To modern science, this is called “Junk DNA” but in fact, the “Junk DNA” contains the dormant genetics that separate us from being literal gods and goddesses.
Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice
While people argue over ethnic sensitivity issues between saying “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, the truth dates back much further than its Christian beginnings. The intent of Christmas seems to be the overriding value behind its true, esoteric meaning or its Pagan origin. A symbol or celebration is only as powerful as the intent behind it. While Christmas has become the biggest holiday that supports the corporate world which in turn, lobbies against our civil rights, it also is a time of giving and being with family.
Pine Cone Symbolism
by Carl Weiseth Conifer Pine Trees are one of the most ancient plant genera on the planet, having existed nearly three times longer than all flowering plant species. The Pinecone is the evolutionary precursor to the flower, and its spines spiral in a perfect Fibonacci sequence in either direction, much like the Sacred Geometry of […]
A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions
What can we expect the day after the ‘end of the world’? According to wiki, there have been 183 end of the world predictions that have failed. Many of these were prophesied by religious zealots through fear propaganda. Here are just a few of them.
Peace Can Solve The Problems Of Earth
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr. Contributing Writer,In5D,.com “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” One of Sananda-Christ Beatitudes is a secret of graduation of earth to galactic partnership with our spiritual guides. When we think and work for PEACE and we can attain this everlasting desire of man on earth […]
What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything. While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin […]
September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution
by Simon Vorster, RaisingVibrations There is much speculation and anticipation about September 2015. Many of us have been researching and trying to understand the potential outcomes of events such as the coming Blood Moon tetrad, the reactivation of CERN, the UN Genreal Assembly and Operation Jade Helm 15, while others are predicting everything from false flags to the realization of […]
What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?
It is also possible that we can make a transition into a Golden Age for humanity through various programs such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance, health, and prosperity without the need for money or the Ubuntu program, where everyone would only work three hours per week and could use the rest of their free time to pursue whatever interests they desire.
How The Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics And Education To Enslave Our Souls
This article is my most controversial article because it contains “forbidden knowledge” and evidence proving that the Controllers have infiltrated and distorted most systems of the world, including the religious, political, educational, and financial system. If you do not believe that there are people who want to control everything that you do and think, read this mind boggling article (contains visual proof) and then ask yourself why are they deceiving you.
Proof That Roman Catholicism Is Witchcraft
by Eric Phelps Doc Marquis wrote a book entitled ‘Secrets of the Illuminati doc‘. While this topic has been explored before, no author has been able to bring a truly occultic angle to the discussion. In other words, Marquis looks at the plan to bring in the New World Order from the viewpoint of a […]
Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?
In a world where everything is upside down and backwards, one must ask if malevolent Anunnaki extraterrestrials are controlling this planet? Most people are content being economic slaves to a broken system of fiat currency and have no idea about who they are and what their true, divine purpose for being here is.
This Is How The Controllers Are Engineering A Fake Apocalypse
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com With all of the recent news, it has become evident that the engineered apocalypse is about to occur. As the Age of Pisces comes to an end, Pope Benedict stepped down from his rule. This is the first time in over 600 years that a pope […]
The Dogon Tribe And Their Visitors From The Sirius Star System
by Secret of the Ankh The Dogon Tribe originates from Africa, yet many of the legends from their heritage were used by the Egyptians and subsequent dynasties. The Dogon knew of constellations that we didn’t ‘discover’ until many years later. How did they know about the Sirius star system? The Mayan culture received their information […]
Meet Prodigy Artist Akiane Kramarik – The Indigo Child of an Atheist
Akiane Kramarik is one of the most inspirational people you will ever meet. Upon receiving her inspiration from God “face-to-face” at the age of 4, she began drawing unbelievably amazing spirituality pictures. As she grew older, her artwork has become increasingly complex as He spoke to her through sounds, shapes and sometimes through animals, but mainly with paint “as if it was talking to me”.