Three Fascinating Cases Of Time Travel
by MessageToEagle,
Time travel is a popular topic and the idea that we might be able to visit the past or the future keeps fascinating scientists just as much as the public.
This time we will discuss some interesting old time travel cases.
As we have previously seen, there are serious scientists like for example Dr. John Cramer, professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Washington who thinks we must think about time travel but we should take it in baby steps. Dr. Cramer believes it is possible to send messages through time and he is working this project.
“We try to find ways to travel back in time, but by doing that we are affecting a very important part of our physical Universe, called causality. If we want to travel back in time, we must find a way to prevent causality from being violated,” astrophysicist Charles Liu explained.
Yet, as we have previously written in our article Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time, there are those who even claim to have proof of time travel!
It really doesn’t matter whether you believe in time travel or not, there will always be stories of people who say they are from a different time.
Whether we should believe them or not is up to each and one of us, but it cannot be denied these stories are interesting.
Air-Marshal Sir Victor Goddard visits the future
In his book Time Travel: A New Perspective, J. H. Brennan tells a curious story of a time slip experience that happened to Air-Marshal Sir Victor Goddard.
Brennan writes:
“In 1935, while still a Wing Commander, he was sent to inspect a disused airfield near Edinburgh at a place called Drem. He found it in a very dilapidated state with cattle grazing on grass that had forced through cracks in the tarmac.
Later that day, he ran into trouble while flying his biplane in heavy rain and decided to fly back to Drem to get his bearings.
As he approached the airfield the torrential rain abruptly changed to bright sunlight.
When he looked down he saw the airfield had been completely renovated and was now in use.
There were mechanics in blue overalls walking around and four yellow planes parked on the runway.
One of these was a model which, for all his aviation experience, he completely failed to recognize.
It was a very puzzling experience, not alone because the instant renovation was quite impossible, but also because mechanics were supposed to wear khaki and Air Force planes were painted with a silvery aluminum paint.
Four years later, Goddard solved the mystery. With war now raging in Europe, he happened to visit Drem again… to find it exactly as he had seen it in 1935, completely with blue-overalled mechanics and yellow planes. He even found the plane he had been unable to identify earlier – a Miles Magister. “
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Had Goddard somehow flown four years into the future, and then shortly returned to his own time?
A highway to the past?
A remarkable time travel case was published in Strange Magazine 2, Spring, 1988. The article “Time Traveler” written by Ken Meaux is about a man who calls himself L.C. (his real initials) and who experienced one the most amazing events of his life, something the could never forget.
Meaux writes: “L.C. and a business associate, Charlie, (fictitious name) had just finished lunch in the small Southwest Louisiana town of Abbeville. Still discussing their work, they began their drive north along Highway 167 towards the Oil Center city of Lafayette about 15 miles away.
The date was October 20, 1969, and the time was about 1:30 in the afternoon. It was one of those picture-perfect days in Fall–clear blue skies and a nippy 60 degrees, just right conditions for cruising along with the car windows rolled down.
The highway had been practically traffic-free until they spotted some distance ahead what appeared to be an old turtle-back-type auto traveling very slowly. As they closed the distance between their vehicle and this relic from the past, their discussion turned from their insurance work to the old car ahead of them. While the style of the auto indicated it to be decades old, it appeared to be in show room condition, which evoked words of admiration from both L.C. and Charlie. Because the car was traveling so slowly, the two men decided to pass it, but before doing so, slowed to better appreciate the beauty and mint condition of the vehicle. As they did so, L.C. noticed a very large bright orange license plate with the year “1940” clearly printed on it.
This was most unusual and probably illegal unless provisions had been made for the antique car to be used in ceremonial parades.
As they passed the car slowly to its left, L.C., who was in the passenger’s seat, noticed the driver of the car was a young woman dressed in what appeared to be 1940 vintage clothing. This was 1969 and a young woman wearing a hat complete with a long colored feather and a fur coat was, to say the least, a bit unusual. A small child stood on the seat next to her, possibly a little girl. The gender of the child was hard to determine as it too wore a heavy coat and cap. The windows of her car were rolled up, a fact which puzzled L.C. because, though the temperature was nippy, it was quite pleasant and a light sweater was sufficient to keep you comfortable. As they pulled up next to the car, their study turned to alarm as their attention was riveted to the animated expressions of fear and panic on the woman’s face. Driving alongside of her at a near crawl (no traffic in either direction allowed this maneuvering) they could see her frantically looking back and forth as if lost or in need of help. She appeared on the verge of tears.
Being on the passenger’s side, L.C. called out to her and asked if she needed help. To this she nodded “yes,” all the while looking down (old cars sat a little higher than the low profiles of today’s cars) with a very puzzled look at their vehicle. L.C. motioned to her to pull over and park on the side of the road. He had to repeat the request several times with hand signs and mouthing the words because her window was rolled up and it seemed she had difficulty hearing them. They saw her begin to pull over so they continued to pass her so as to safely pull over also in front of her.
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As they came to a halt on the shoulder of the road, L.C. and Charlie turned to look at the old car behind them. However, to their astonishment, there was no sign of the car. Remember, this was on an open highway with no side roads nearby, no place to hide a car. It and its occupants had simply vanished.
L.C. and Charlie looked back at the empty highway. As they sat in the car, spellbound and bewildered, it was obvious to them that a search would prove futile. Meanwhile, the driver of a vehicle that had been behind the old car pulled over behind them. He ran to L.C. and Charlie and frantically demanded an explanation as to what had become of the car ahead of him. His account was as follows.
He was driving North on Highway 167 when he saw, some distance away, a new car passing up a very old car at a slow pace, so slow that they appeared to be nearly stopped. He saw the new car pull onto the shoulder and the old car started to do the same. Momentarily, it obstructed the new car and then suddenly disappeared.
All that remained ahead of him was the new car on the shoulder of the highway. Desperate to associate logic to this incredible sight, he immediately assumed an accident had occurred. Indeed, an accident had not occurred, but something more haunting, perhaps as tragic, and certainly more mysterious had.
After discussing what each had seen from his perspective, the three men walked the area for an hour. The third man, who was from out of state, insisted on reporting the incident to the police. He felt that it was a “missing person” situation and that they had been witnesses. L.C. and Charlie refused to do so as they had no idea where the woman and child along with the car had gone.
They were missing alright, but no police on this plane of existence had the power to find them. The third man finally decided that without their cooperation he could not report this on his own for fear his sanity would be questioned. He did exchange addresses and phone numbers with L.C. and Charlie. For years he kept in touch with them, calling just to talk about his incident and to confirm again that he had seen what he had.
High strangeness points to ponder over: what if–she was from the past, and went forward in time, and she is now an old lady still living today, and what if on that same day it had been her instead of L.C. and Charlie behind the “old car,” that same now old lady would have met herself.
Related: Nikola Tesla: Time Travel Experiments
What if–the Earth itself has a super mentality and it creates as a cosmic joke all these anomalies of life on its surface just for its amusement or some other esoteric reason.
What if–and this is the final and most depressing of the “what ifs”–she had come from the past, popped into the future and did not return to her past. The newspapers of 1940 would puzzle over a disappearance of a mother and her child one cold October day, foul play suspected, the search continues–while she and the child continue traveling in and out of various time zones forever.”
They saw a future air raid
The third odd time travel case is mentioned in the book The Little Giant Book of Eerie Thrills and Unspeakable Chills written by Ron Edwards, C. B. Colby, John Macklin
According to the authors “In 1932, newspaper reporter J.Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt were assigned to do a feature story on the Hamburg, Germany, shipyard. They drove to the huge complex, interviews several executives and workers, and completed the assignment by late afternoon.
As they were leaving, the two newsmen heard the unmistakable drone of aircraft engines and looked up to see the sky filled with warplanes. Then they heard the city’s antiaircraft batteries opening fire as bombs began exploding around them.
Moments later, the area was a raging inferno as fuel tanks were hit. Warehouses were collapsing from high explosives and dock cranes were twisted into pretzels.
Hutton and Brandt realized this was no drill.
They rushed to the car as antiaircraft gunners began scoring hits on the bomber formation overhead. At the gate, Hutton asked a security guard if there was anything they could do to help but was told leave the area immediately.
Hutton and Brandt were confused when they drove into Hamburg. The sky had turned dark during the attack, but now it was clear and the city was serene. They busy streets were not indented with craters and the buildings were intact. No one seemed concerned as they went about their daily business.
Hutton and Brandt stopped the car and looked back toward the shipyard. Now they received another shock because they saw no black ribbons of smoke rising into the sky and no damaged buildings. What was happening?
Related: Edgar Cayce: The Earth is Catching up with Time”
Back at the newspaper office, Brandt’s pictures were developed and the two men got another surprise. Brandt had continued shooting film throughout the air raid, but his photographs showed nothing unusual. The shipyard looked as it did upon their arrival that morning. There was no evidence that a rain of bombs from enemy planes had destroyed the area, as they had witnessed.
The editors studied the photographs and wondered why Hutton and Brandt insisted they had been involved in an air attack. He dismissed their story and decided that they had probably stopped at a tavern for a couple of drinks on the way back to the office.
Just before World War II began, Bernard Hutton moved to London. In 1943, he saw a newspaper story about a successful raid by a Royal Air Force squadron on the Hamburg shipyard. He felt a cold shiver along his spine as he studied the photos. The scene of destruction was exactly as it appeared during his visit with Brandt in the spring of 1932.
There was only one thing different – Hutton and Brandt had witnessed the event 11 years before it happened. ”
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